MR Sno-tato head is looking for some company please!
Check out the few photos that are coming in
Good morning Norwich,
A few years ago I started posting photos that were sent to me and also some that I took to share with the community at large. This was well received and many photos have been taken.
Here is the story from 2023 on various things made of snow. I am looking to do another one this year however the snow that we have had so far has not been the heavy snow needed to make these wonderful snow creatures etc. Now with the recent rain it has improved somewhat. If the weather cooperates it would be wonderful if you could make something and send it to
I will include it in a photo essay and you will of course get the photo credits. Read the full story below if you wish by clicking on the blue read full story link
William W. Young sent this photo in on Sat, Jan 20, and asked if I can use it in this story.
Thanks for the Snowman Snomie stories.
Mr. SnoTato Head
lives at 22 Rope Ferry Road in Hanover, NH.
His eyes, ears, nose and teeth can be moved around just like the children's toy.
It is neat to have almost equal amounts of snow on every pole or snow dough if you will at the King Arthur Flour company.
I suppose you could make a small sno-mie out of these.
This photo is from a 2022 sno-mie story
Not your typical snowman but the deer won’t complain and this came to me as a motivating photo to get things started, as there was no snow on the ground at that time.
How about you stop all the busy things that you do everyday and take a few moments, get creative and make something to share with the community.
Here is the story that was done for the 2022 winter season