News from MCS regarding COVID quarantine
End Of Quarantine 11/19/21 for some depending on PCR test results
Hello Norwich,
Here is an announcement from the MCS principal regarding recent Covid quarantine.
Dear MCS Community,
Congratulations! The results of our COVID tests are back. If you received notification of a negative COVID test AND your child is symptom free, then we look forward to seeing your child back at MCS tomorrow, Friday, November 19th!
For PreK students who were too young to participate in the surveillance testing, but were able to get a negative PCR test by other means, please notify Nurse Jame by email before the start of school tomorrow. For PreK students who were unable to get a PCR test, you will still have a remote morning meeting on Friday.
Tomorrow will be the first day in a few weeks where all grade levels will be back at school. I am looking forward to seeing our classrooms filled with students.
Please know that I receive all the test results from the school surveillance testing, so no need to email me those results. However, if you had outside PCR testing done, then please email me and Nurse Jane a copy of the negative result before sending your child back to school. Any student who had a positive result has been notified by Nurse Jane. For your information, we did have two positive test results. Both children have been in quarantine, meaning that there are no close school contacts.
In summary, tomorrow we welcome back any PreK, 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade student who had a negative PCR COVID test result. Students must also be symptom free.
Thank you for the patience, kindness, and appreciation that has been shown as we navigated this situation. You are greatly appreciated.