Hello Norwich,
Here is another update of the Cross Words to keep you informed
Cross Words
Important Dates
Tuesday, November 2 - Picture Retake Day
Thursday, November 4 - Report Cards are available to view on Powerschool
Friday, November 5 - Parent Teacher Conferences - No School
Wednesday, November 10 - 8:15am - Coffee Talk - One of the outdoor classrooms
Thursday, November 11 - Holiday, No School
November 24 - 26 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Message From The Principal
It is conference time! This week is an important week for you and your family. We will be having conferences. This is a time for you to sit down with the classroom teacher to look at progress. This trimester we are having all conferences on Zoom, rather than in person. Hopefully by the time spring conferences come around, we can have families come into the building. Please take a moment to appreciate that teachers have been working for the past couple of weeks to analyze assessments that measure progress. Report cards take a lot of teacher time and energy. We hope that a quality report card as well as a thoughtful conference will give families the information needed to understand how your child is performing in school.
Report cards will be ready to view at 8:00AM on Thursday. Please follow the directions given in this link, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wg7V64PNrWghTg1a2FV8e6ob0f8hfdNP/view. If you have any difficulty accessing the parent portal or report cards, please reach out to shannonhowe@sau70.org.
Here are a few suggestions for helping you understand how your child is progressing:
Student Work: Be sure to ask for samples of student work. If you have questions about the progress your child is making in a particular area feel free to ask to see work samples to help you understand.
Questions: You may find it helpful to write down any questions you have prior to the conferences. Conferences are limited on time, so having your questions written down saves time. Conferences are a good time to share any concerns that arise or any successes you have.
General Information: Conference time is also a good time to ask any questions you have about your child’s school experience. Are you curious about behavior? Do you want to know future units of study? Feel free to ask any and all questions. Increased home and school communication results in greater learning. Thanks for your support and attendance!
Sometimes it is tricky to come up with just the right questions to ask during conferences. Here are questions you might consider asking at your parent-teacher conference. A prepared parent with a positive attitude and an open mind is on the right track for creating a successful, year-long partnership with his child's teacher.
What is it that you want my child to learn?
Is my child taking advantage of the opportunities he/she is given at school? If not, how can we work together to encourage my child to engage in school?
What are you doing as the classroom teacher to make sure you have a full understanding of my child’s needs?
How are you responding to my child when he/she is having difficulty with the material in your classroom?
If my child is falling behind when other children may have moved on, how are you addressing this?
How are you responding when my child has mastered the material, and others have not?
How can we support you at home? Are there games or activities that we could play as a family?
What changes does my child need to make in his/her behavior to be more successful at school?
Thank you for taking the time to attend conferences. If you have not been able to schedule a conference, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Have a lovely week,
Message From Student Services
MCS has begun accepting applications for the MCS full-day Pre-K program for the 2022-23 school year. This information will help us offer spots at the beginning of February to families based on our priority order.
Residents of Norwich
Currently enrolled PreK students.
Students with a diagnosed developmental delay(s) or disability
Students who are "at risk" as defined by homelessness, dual language learners, in foster/kin care, and/or migrant, free and reduced meals eligible.
Siblings of Marion Cross School students and Children of Marion Cross School Staff
Older students by birthdate
Please note that if you fill out the form online, we will not be looking at the applications until the deadline of January 31st arrives when we will contact all families. Hopefully, this leaves enough time for everybody to secure Pre-K services, either at MCS or at another qualified Pre-K program.
All of this information can be found on the Enrollment section of our website under Marion Cross School.
Thank you,
Greg Bagnato
School News and Information
Third grade classes have been studying bears this fall in science classes. In a community service project for the Norwich Conservation Commission and the Norwich Public Library, they have made models of how to mitigate negative interactions between humans and bears. At this time of year. bears are especially focused on eating in preparation for their hibernation. They need approximately 20,000 calories a day in order to be well fattened up for the long winter. They are roaming further than usual in search of food and will be attracted to yards and homes where they smell a good supply. The third grade interviewed Ben Kilham (via zoom), watched videos made by Vermont Fish and Wildlife, and researched other sources about how we humans can avoid inadvertently attracting bears to our yards. Please stop by the Norwich Public Library to see their models and learn about bears!
Vernal Pool Leaf Raking Project
The Norwich Conservation Commission is working to create a vernal pool in a wet area of the Nature Area meadow. They are requesting the help of the community to rake up and bag leaves on the Green to line the bare soil of the pool, and to plant new trees and shrubs around the perimeter. There will be a community work day to which all ages are invited on Nov 6 from 1-4 (Rain date Nov 7th from 1-4). Meet on the Town Green. If you arrive towards the end of the time and no one is there, look for us in the meadow where we will be planting. Bring rakes, leaf bags, and trowels, if possible, we can access the school’s garden tools as well. Dress for getting dirty! The NCC has undertaken this project in part to increase habitat diversity in the Nature Area, and also in large part as an education resource for MCS. We are continually appreciative of the NCC support for our ecosystem studies. Many thanks to MCS parent Graham Webster for excavating the pool.
PAL( Peer Adventure Learning) and PE - On the move to physical and social success!!!
This is our last week focused on respect. We played a game focused on not jumping to conclusions or making assumptions, and worked through a personal space obstacle course with hula hoops to practice respect by giving each other space. We also had fun using pool noodles to “go to the store” as another way to practice giving each other space.
Pics of the Week
Volunteer News - Volunteer Sign Up
SAU70 requires that ALL volunteers in the district complete the Volunteer Application Form. The following link will direct you to the form, and details the Volunteer Background Check Process. Volunteer's CLICK HERE
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you Emma Cottage
SAU70 Volunteer Coordinator
The SAU70 district needs substitutes.
Would you like a taste of the best job in the world? We would love to have you join us occasionally in the school. If you are interested in being a substitute teacher, you can apply for the role on the SAU70 Job Listings.
PTO Bulletin Board
Meeting This Thursday November 4th, at the fire pit in Girard Way Fire Pit, from 6-7pm, bring a chair and we will have marshmallows!
Norwich School Board Meeting November Wednesday, 3rd at 6:30pm. Very informative meetings, please consider joining. The meetings are held at MCS Library but you can join via zoom.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 079157
The agenda can be found here.
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