News you can use from MCS (2 news items for your review.)
How to access your child's report card and the PTO is seeking a co-chair for 2022-2023 school year
Good morning Norwich,
I have two items of possible interest that were sent to me to share with the community
The first news item is from the PTO
The PTO is seeking a co-chair for the 2022-2023 school year. How do you become a PTO officer?
Our by-laws require that we hold officer elections at our April Annual Meeting. Nominations will be discussed at our March meeting (this Thursday, March 4). The nomination committee this year is Christina Aquila, Leah Fosco, and Molly Riordan. All positions are for one year or until a successor is chosen. If would like to be considered for nomination or have any questions please contact
The only qualification for the position is a willingness to work for our mission:
To strengthen the relationship between home and school so that parents, teachers, school administrators, and the community can participate in the whole-child education of the students of Marion Cross.
To encourage timely and productive communication between parents, teachers, and school administration.
To enhance the whole-child educational experience of the students of our school by providing volunteer and financial support for resources, programs, and enrichment activities
Thank you for considering,
The second news item is from the principal
An was sent to me on Thursday, march 3rd
Good afternoon,
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is now open for families to access the report cards, which can be located under Student Reports in the PowerSchool Portal.
Directions are also attached to this email. If you need assistance, please contact our Main Office.
Enjoy the afternoon,