News you can use from the Norwich PD ( 2 items of interest to keep you aware and safe.)
Includes a YOU TUBE video public service announcement
Good morning Norwich,
This morning I am posting a road closure announcement from the DPW and PD, as well a Public Service Announcement from Chief Jennifer Frank of the Norwich PD.
The PSA is a Senior Solutions You Tube video that was recorded by CATV.
Hoping that you have a nice safe day.
Norwich VT Police Department
20 hrs ·
Senior Solutions PSA - Chief Frank
Here is the Road closure announcement
Norwich VT Police Department
20 hrs ·
*ROAD CLOSURE: 11/20/2020 - Goodrich Four Corners, Norwich, VT*
Goodrich Four Corners Road is scheduled to be closed between Union Village Road and Town Farm Road on Friday, November 20, 2020 for a culvert replacement. The road will be closed at 8:30 AM and is expected to be open to vehicular traffic by late afternoon.
And this message from the Public works department to include contact info
Norwich Residents,
Please be advised Goodrich Four Corners Road is scheduled to be closed between Union Village Road and Town Farm Road on Friday, November 20, for a culvert replacement.
The road will be closed around 8:30 AM and is expected to be open to traffic by late afternoon.
Larry A. Wiggins
Public Works Department
Norwich, VT