Nor-witchy way do I go? ( official map ) of the event
You won't need your GPS device to find your way
Hello Norwich,
Just a reminder, Nor-witchy Woods Walk 2021 will be held on Halloween Sunday afternoon. We are expecting 215 kids and 73 accompanying adults. 11 of the kids are under 2. So, this sounds very manageable!
Below is the official map of the event.
Join us for a non-scary Halloween hike through the woods, including several stops along the way to visit members of our community who will be handing out treats (with only a few tricks). Pre-registration was required for this event
Participating organizations
Marion Cross School staff
Marion Cross Parent/Teacher Organization
Norwich Fire Department
Norwich Public Library
Norwich Lions Club
Norwich Women’s Club
Richmond Middle School Student Council
Upper Valley Trails Alliance
Youth in Action
Face masks that cover both your nose and mouth are recommended for unvaccinated participants