Norwich Christmas Pageant-A photo essay and a short video
It takes a village and what a village this is!
Good morning Norwich and the Upper valley,
In past years I have taken some photos of the Xmas pageant here in Norwich. It seems to me that this event is growing each and every year as you will see in this photo essay. There are so many people who volunteer to put this pageant on and they are listed along with the cast at the end of the photo essay. After viewing this photo essay, I believe you will agree it really does take a village to put this event on and to do it so effortlessly. If you would like to see previous years stories please google: My Newsletter about Norwich and then select Archive and search Xmas pageant.
And now for this years event:
This is the thank you that was posted in the listserv by the Norwich Pageant committee.
Thank you to all who joined us for the annual Norwich Christmas Pageant Thursday night. It was a beautiful evening and an unforgettable memory! It takes a community working together to make this happen. Special thanks to the amazing high school seniors, juniors, chorus members, baby 'Jesus', Unity the donkey, the dozens of the volunteers for their time and effort, Dan & Whit's and Norwich Grange Hall for your space, NPD for your traffic help, all members of the community who came out to watch and give canned goods/cash donations for The Haven, The Norwich Inn for hosting cocoa and cookies for everyone, and especially Lisa and Mark Barolak for the use of their barn for the manger scene. The Barolak children and nanny also participated in this event. We are so appreciative to have the opportunity to come together as a community for occasions like this.
The Norwich Pageant Committee
Here are the photos of the pageant event. I have put in a few captions however most photos will tell their own story. Enjoy!
All photos and video were taken by me.
My Logo
Unity the donkey has arrived right on time
Stepping out of the trailer
Unity’s owners are Dr and Mrs Wright
Giving Unity a little walkabout to prepare for the journey
As the Pageant Marshalls prepare to help provide safe passage
And here Mary and Joseph begin their journey
With many interested onlookers on the left side of Main Street
And just as many if not more on the right side of the street
A short video for you to view
Heading in to the Inn for a place to stay
Hoping for the best
Full excitement on their faces
Only to be told by the Innkeeper that there is no room in the Inn
Joseph and Mary continued on to look for place to stay
Graham Wallis with his son and a seat dedicated to his wife Suzanne who recently passed. She was very instrumental in the success of the Norwich pageant for many years.
And the crowds have arrived
This is the list of the volunteers and cast members.
Ann Marie Smith
Judi Strohbehn
Dan Fraser
Michael Goodrich
Nancy McNulty
Ashley Clapp
Molly and Brian Riordan
Emily Bradley
Emma Cottage
Rob Nahabedian
John Olszewski
Beth Perry
Wendy Thompson
Todd Thompson
Brie Swenson
Marcus Ratliff
Sohier Perry
Demo Sofronas
PJ Casper
Jim Harlow
Robert Parker
Peter and Penny Wright
Katie Shaw
Dave Burtonbush and the Norwich Inn Staff
Dianne Miller
Chipper Ashley
Mary Brownlow
William Rigby
Brion McMullan
Sergeant Rogers
Chief Romei
Paul Colleen Bozuwa
Lisa and Mark Barolak
Jenny Chambers and the New England Arts School Chorus singers
Jess and Wynn Seely
-Here is the entire list of the -Cast
Schuyler Clapp - Speaking King
Ryder Wilson - King
Gus Thompson - King
Nora Bradley - Mary
Liam Danaher - Joseph
Wynn Seely - Baby Jesus
Guinevere Riordan - Speaking Angel
Campbell Madden - Angel
Rose Candon - Angel
Ava Goletz - Angel
Campbell White - Angel
Zabava Halchenko - Angel
Will Hopkins - Shepherd
Benjamin Thaler - Shepherd
Ben Warren - Shepherd
Matthew Tysinger - Shepherd
Gavin Munson - Speaking Shepherd
75 pounds of food of donated food from the event participants was dropped off at the Haven today,
Here is a photo of the gifts and donations