Norwich DPW has posted the roads for weight limits.
This posting goes into effect on March 1, 2020

This one is on Bragg Hill Rd just by the Brick oven and park

Take a closer look for all the details
The roads in the Town of Norwich VT. will be posted for weight limit due to spring conditions effective March 1, 2020 until May 1, 2020 or until otherwise notified.
All trucking which exceeds 24,000 lbs. (except fuel oil delivery and waste haulers) shall require a permit to travel over town roads during this period. Permits may be conditionally granted and will be based on road conditions at the time of request. Permits can be obtained at the Pubic Works Garage, 26 New Boston Road, Norwich, VT. between the hours of 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM (M-F) by appointment with the Public Works Director. Permits granted must be carried in the permitted vehicle at all times.
Larry A. Wiggins
Public Works Department
Norwich, VT

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Thanks for posting this Demo. I'll be interested to see how this plays out on Beaver Meadow, which routinely has trucks that might be over the weight limit.