It was a busy week for the Norwich Fire Department. They visited three schools to talk about fire safety.
On Tuesday Chief Northern, Lt. Eric Friets, Firefighter Cody Williams and Deputy Chief Matt Swett visited the Treehouse Children’s School. They had a great time there talking to three different classes, answering their many wonderful questions and giving them tours of their new engine.
On Wednesday, the NFD visited the Marion Cross School. Here are the photos and information of the visit:
Chief Northern, Fire Fighter’s Rojansky, Orner and Ducharme of the NFD presented fire safety programming to pre-k through second graders at the Marion Cross School.
Topics that were covered included, cooking safety, smoke detector awareness, electrical power strip dangers, how to notice fire safety dangers in the home, how to alert parents of a fire and how to exit the home via a bedroom window.
A photo while waiting for the next group to arrive
And here comes the second group of students right on schedule and eager to take the tour as the first group is almost finished with their tour.
The class is now ready to enter the van for their tour
And in this photo the Chief is instructing the first group of visitors on proper safety techniques.
Fire Chief Alex Northern taking a question from a student
As the staff standby to assist as needed
The Norwich Fire Department’s new Engine 3 is on display
For a show and tell
And it is ready for the next class
Fire Fighter Mathew Rojansky explains the departments fire safety equipment.
And as I was leaving to head to my car another group is being shown the other side of the E3 fire engine.
On Thursday, Firefighter Cody Williams and Deputy Chief Matt visited the Norwich Nursery School. They talked with the kids about fire safety and then showed them what a firefighter looked (and sounded) like in full firefighting gear - including the air pack and mask. They gave them a tour of the newest truck, Engine 3. The kids had great questions and all had a very fun time together. Here is a group photo of that event.
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