The Norwich Inn is open for business and is offering some special discounts/deals. They have created this easy to browse post that allows you to click and stay, click and dine etc.
Check it out and you just might like what you see.

Main Street * Norwich Vermont

& Stretch Your Dollar
Linger Longer to enjoy the Norwich Inn and Upper Valley Attractions this winter. Stay 3 nights and get 15% off plus a $25 dining credit; 5 nights and get 20% off and a $50 dining credit. Available for stays until December 30, 2020.

is now open, starting at 4:30
wtih our ample outdoor seating
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Evenings.
Monday-Wednesday we will have our Bar open and be offering small appetizer plates but our kitchen will not be open. You can place orders at the bar and find a place to relax outside on our patio or one of our porches.

Starting July 20 Norwich’s King Arthur Flour will be resuming classes. There will be certain modifications to the class experience, resulting from Covid-19. ClickKAF for details & class schedules.
The Inn is pleased to offer a
of benefits to class attendees. In addition to a 20% discount off our normal rates, each guest will enjoy a complimentary Pint of our Ale or house wine of their choice, a block of our signature Whistling Pig Cheddar per room & shuttle service to KAF, just a mile away.
The Norwich Inn Shuttle

Need a ride to Dartmouth, King Arthur or DHMC? Stay with us to enjoy this new amenity.
See All
to review our strict measures to enhance guest safety

Call us at 802-649-1143 to make a reservation
The Norwich Inn | 325 Main Street, Norwich, VT 05055