Norwich Lions Club Raffle to benefit the community, and you could be the lucky winner. There is still time to get your tickets.
Now is the time for you to purchase your tickets

Here is the link to the raffle:
The Norwich Lions club is conducting a raffle as an alternate fundraiser to our annual Norwich fair which was cancelled this year due to the pandemic.
Here is your Opportunity to help us continue to help others
Due to the Pandemic we are all facing, the NLC was unable to hold their annual Norwich Lions Club Fair which has been our biggest fundraiser.
We would like to offer you an alternative opportunity to support your local community by participating in the Norwich Lions Club's Raffle.
We are offering a variety of Raffle tickets targeted to meet specific local needs. All Proceeds (minus the prizes) will be dedicated to the local causes outlined below.
You can enter the “Fighting Hunger” raffle, where the proceeds will help those in need of nutrition in the Upper Valley.
** Top prize winner will get a quarter side of beef along with a freezer.
You can enter the “Supporting Children’s Programs in Norwich” raffle where proceeds help fund programs that keep our children healthy and engaged.
** Top prize winner will get a children's bike
You can enter the "Vision” raffle where proceeds will help the visually impaired in the Upper Valley (a traditional Lions International Mission).
** Various Cash prizes, with a top prize of $500.00
Because it is a raffle menu, you can buy as many tickets to any of the raffles as you would like. When we sell more tickets, we will add more prizes to your overall entries, so your chances stay the same. While raising more money for Our Community Needs in the meantime.
Please Print out the raffle sheet, complete the top portion and return it by mail to our PO Box 854 in Norwich, VT 05055. Or hand it to a Norwich Lion you know. You can also drop it off at Ledyard Bank across from Dan & Whit’s (attention Nico).
Thank you for helping the Norwich Lions Club continue its commitment to our Norwich neighbors and organizations.
Any questions that you may have can be addressed to
Thanks for your support