Hello all,
Why not take a moment to review some happenings at the Norwich Police department.
I am sharing and combining the Monthly report along with the COVID - 19 update and the Scam alert into one article so as to make it easier for you and less e-mails too!
Here is the link to the report:
The NPD monthly minutes have been posted!
And here are some highlights:
Here is the latest COVID -19 update for you to review
7. COVID-19 Update
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Frank@vermont.gov>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 14:37:40 +0000
1. Vermont Ski Resorts:
- Employee locker rooms, break rooms and common areas will have limited occupancy. Shuttle riders must wear cloth face coverings.
- Ski lifts: 6ft physical distancing between parties, Facial coverings are required in lift queues and while riding lifts, Guests will load at no more than 50% capacity. Windows of enclosed lifts shall remain open.
- Day-Use Lodges: Capacity must be reduced to 50% occupancy or managed to facilitate 6-foot physical distancing. No more than 75 people in any unique indoor space.
- Resorts: Should collect names, phone numbers, email addresses and addresses of all users of a day-use lodge, when they used the lodge, and where they sat.
2. Governor Scott advised Vermonters to keep social gatherings under 10 people.
3. Hospitals will be the primary vaccinators in Vermont’s Phase 1 of mass COVID-19 vaccinations
4. VT COVID-19 Summary (11/06/20): Positive test results: 2,326, Total people tested: 192,728, Total tests conducted: 428,851, Deaths: 58, Total people recovered: 1,904, Hospitalized patients with COVID-19: 3, Hospitalized patients under investigation for COVID-19: 1, 7-day average test positivity rate: 0.6%
5. Outbreaks: Currently 11 outbreaks of COVID-19 in Vt & 32 situations (defined as a group of linked cases below the threshold of an outbreak, as well as one-off cases with larger implications, such as those at schools and nursing homes). The largest outbreak continues to be the one originating at the Central Vermont Memorial Civic Center, with 116 associated cases, 69 of which are at St. Michael’s College. NH announced additional community exposures connected to a positive case of COVID-19 at a Restaurant in Atkinson.
6. School-based winter sports programs may begin practices and inter-squad scrimmages no earlier than 11/30. Out-of-state travel to participate in any recreational sports activity requires a mandatory quarantine upon return.
- Outdoor Sports Involving No or Low-Contact: EX: Nordic skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding may hold team practice sessions and interscholastic meets and competitions.
- Indoor Sports Involving No or Low Contact: Bowling, dance and gymnastics may hold team practice sessions and interscholastic meets and competitions. The number of participants may not exceed more than 1 person per 100 square feet to a maximum of 75 people in any indoor space 17,100 square feet or smaller in size. Large indoor spaces with more than 17,100 square feet and 10' ceilings may have up to 150 people indoors.
- Indoor Sports Involving Close Proximity or Moderate Contact: Basketball and hockey programs may hold team practice sessions, inter-squad scrimmages and interscholastic competitions. No more than 2 games in any 7-day period and a minimum of at least 3-days between competitions.
- Wrestling and Indoor track will NOT be permitted this season.
Chief Jennifer Frank, Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT 05055
(802)649-1460 (Office), (802)649-1775 (Fax)
10. SCAM
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Frank@vermont.gov>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 16:08:19 +0000
Over the last month, several residents reported receiving a telephone call from an individual who purported to be their grandchild in need of financial assistance, or the Federal government demanding back payment for unpaid bills. The scammers are adept at convincing their would-be victims to turn over personal information, and provide credit card and other financial related details.
A few tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of these types of scams:
1. The Norwich Police Department does NOT call you to inform you that you have an outstanding warrant.
2. Payment companies will NOT ask for and do NOT accept payment via iTunes or other similar style gift cards.
3. If you are not certain whether the person on the other end of the line is legitimately a family member, hang up and call them directly at the number you have saved for them in your directory, ask them a unique question such as the name of their pet or about an activity you did together. Establish a secret password that only you and your family members know that can be used to verify their legitimacy.
4. Do NOT trust the number on your caller ID. Many numbers are “spoofed” so that they appear to come from someone one you know, when it is actually a scammer using a false identity.
5. Do NOT deposit unsolicited checks you receive in the mail, and do not wire portions of the funds back to another account as false checks can take multiple days to clear the bank at which point you are liable for the full amount cashed.
And now the latest Scam alert so that you can stay alert:
Chief Jennifer Frank, Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT 05055
(802)649-1460 (Office), (802)649-1775 (Fax)