Norwich Police Policy and Procedures and news you can use.
Standard operating procedure and standards
Hello All,
I wanted to share with you this post from the Norwich police department, as it is certainly news you can use. I apologize for not sharing it sooner, however when I first looked at it I thought it was a COVID -19 post as the format was similar. I had already done some updates and thought I had covered this as one of those.
This is worth reading as it spells out the standard policy for policing here in Norwich.
Here is the posting:
Norwich VT Police Department
Excerpt from Chief Frank’s previous response coupled with enacted Standard Operating Procedure: Duty to Intervene
“….Plato is credited with recognizing that ‘in a republic that honors the core of democracy—the greatest amount of power is given to those called Guardians. Only those with the most impeccable character are chosen to bear the responsibility of protecting the democracy.’ Recognizing this we must as officers strive to be of the most impeccable character, beyond rep...