Norwich Public Library is still here for you with virtual programs available
They continue to provide the resources you need to stay connected
Hello All,
There are many links in this announcement/update from the Norwich Public Library. Take a moment to check them out so that you and your family can stay connected, and continue to enjoy the excellent service the NPL provides.

Let's Stay Connected
We're continuing our commitment to stay connected to you.
Gather virtually with NPL staffers at one of our upcoming virtual programs and watch and learn from our gathered resources, activities, talks, and more. As always, leave comments on our social media channels, or reach out to the circulation desk and let us know what you'd like to see next!
Norwich Public Library

Curbside pickup services of physical items placed on hold through the library's online catalog will resume on May 18.
nbsp;NORWICHLIBRARY.ORGCOMFORT BOOKS TALKJoin NPL staffers for a casual conversation on books they are enjoying these days.Learn moreNORWICHLIBRARY.ORGNPL BINGONPL staff have created bingo cards to help pass away some time during the stay-in-place order. Completed cards will be submitted into a raffle drawing to Norwich Bookstore!Learn morenbsp;NORWICHLIBRARY.ORGPAGE-TO-SCREEN CHATSally Rooney's 2018 book "Normal People" has been adapted into a Hulu television series and the library is hosting a page-to-screen discussion.Learn moreNORWICHLIBRARYVT.TYPEFORM.COM80'S LISTENING PARTYThe library will host an 80's Listening Party pulled from the pages of the new novel "We Ride Upon Sticks" by Quan Barry. Can you recommend more 80's music for us?Learn morenbsp;NORWICHLIBRARY.ORGARTFUL THINKING GUIDEThe library's community room recently hosted paintings on paper by James Secor. Learn to take a closer look with our artful thinking guide.Learn moreYOUTUBE.COMDIGITAL GREETINGSRoger Arnold, community engagement librarian, invites you to chat back on the physical books staying-in-place with you over on the library's new YouTube channel.Learn morenbsp;NORWICHLIBRARY.ORGZOOM CHAT WITH A LIBRARIANLibrarians or patrons can “share” their computer screen with each other and learn about e-Resources one-on-one.Learn moreMISSBETHHASABOOK.WORDPRESS.COMMISS BETH HAS A BOOKChildren’s Librarian Beth Reynolds offers daily thoughts to inspire creativity and connection on a recently launched blog initiative.Learn morenbsp;TUMBLEBOOKLIBRARY.COMINTRODUCING TUMBLEBOOKSTumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sound, music and narration to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you.Learn moreNORWICHLIBRARY.ORGCURATED HUBBUB BY NPLA gathering of the best resources from the crowded and sometimes chaotic internet.Learn morenbsp;NORWICHLIBRARY.ORGPEEPS DIORAMA CONTEST WINNERS186 votes were cast across four categories.Learn moreGMLC.OVERDRIVE.COME-BOOKS AND E-AUDIOBrowse, borrow, and enjoy titles via the Green Mountain Library Consortium's digital collection.Learn morenbsp;NETWORKFORGOOD.ORGSUPPORT YOUR LIBRARYWe can’t wait to welcome you back with open arms. In the meantime, if you’re in a position to support us, please consider making a donation to our Annual Fund in any amount to help us offset the financial realities of this moment.Learn more

Norwich Public Library | PO Box 290, 368 Main Street, Norwich, VT

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