Good evening Norwich,
Every year just after Veterans day weather permitting, the American flags at the cemeteries are removed from the gravestones and stored for the winter or recycled.
Usually a group of American legion veterans from Post # 8 in Norwich show up at a designated time and remove the flags which number over 200. This chore generally takes us a couple of hours as we like to chit chat along the way.
I had the opportunity to witness first hand the Norwich Scout troop 253 in action at the Hillside cemetery the other day. A small group of scouts showed up and tackled the job in a little over a half an hour leaving their scoutmaster some time to visit with the legion members on hand. Legion members on hand to supervise the event were Commander Jim Harlow, Gary De Gasta, and Demo Sofronas.
The scouts in the photos are Ben Wellborn, Aiden Powell, and Dorian Powell.
Here is some more information about Troop 253 just in case you know someone who may want to be a scout.
Norwich Troop 253 meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:20 pm at the American Legion Hall (228 Beaver Meadow Rd, Norwich, VT 05055).
Troop 253 troop offers a scouting experience for youth in the fifth grade through high school. Service, community engagement, and leadership development are important parts of the program as scouts lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. Troop activities include camping, overnight hiking trips, sailing adventures, and fun troop meeting activities aimed at developing each scout’s personal leadership capability.
For further information, contact Phil Stocken, Scoutmaster Troop 253, email address
Norwich BSA Troop 253 always ready to get the job done
Working as a team to carefully remove the flags for the winter months
It looks like they were pretty busy pulling the flags.
And the many flags are now together as one and proudly held by a future scout.
Thank you for this post!!! I had enjoyed all the flags on Veterans' Day. Good work troop!!