Oh! - The power of these beastly machines.
They sure know how to get the job done right with a little help from our friends at the DPW!
Good Morning Norwich,
You may have seen this kind of activity going on in your neighborhood recently.
See this beast in action in the short video further in this story.
The Norwich DPW has been out and about town doing it’s share to improve visibility on the roads. This is especially helpful this time of year for two reasons that I know of.
The deer and other animals are out in force crossing the roads to check out all the nice eateries in town (No pun intended) and if the grass on the shoulder of the road is not trimmed a driver may not see the animal darting out to the street and then oh what a mess it can be.
This trimming also gives the DPW a heads up so that they can look at what needs to be done to get the roads ready for the winter, which is coming just around the corner as evidenced by the chilly weather we are having now. Oh well! is is October after all.
It all starts with this little John Deere clearing the tall grass so the real deer and animals can be seen by drivers before it’s too late.
Making a pass to cut the grass so that the visibility on the road shoulder is increased!
Guided by the light to get the job done right!
And the result is a nice job done here!
Making it’s way around the bend!
Being careful where it counts the most!
And now moving on down the road to the next assignment!
Another road to get ready for the winter season! Heading up the road with care.
Here is a short video of this beast at work.
Grading it nice and smooth!
Not bad for the first pass!
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