I had just arrived on duty to see Adam the sidewalk plow doing his job in the nick of time!

Making a pass to keep all safe

Heading over toward Main Street
There was a lot of activity once the school children started to arrive. There were several groups playing in the snow, some were making giant snow balls like the kind you would use to make a snowman. Others were actually making smaller snowmen. Another group were just rolling snow into giant snowballs.

Wow ! Check this out. All of a sudden this monster of a snowman is starting to take shape - complete with eyelashes

And it is being worked on from all sides

They can barely reach to place the finishing touches. (They even called in NASA)

A team effort, indeed!

And here is the team (photos courtesy of Chief Jennifer M. Frank)

They all accomplished this massive building project
Later in the morning, I came back to the building site to take some photos of the completed projects and this is what I found. (These photos were taken by me mid-morning.)

Leftover perhaps!

Not sure what is going on yet !

It is almost like something out of a movie

Evidence of an earlier building project

It looks like they might be heading into the school to chill out.

Where have all my friends gone? Looks like it’s leaning a little

I will just wait until school gets out.
I was asked to take some photo’s for my blog so after my shift was over, I began taking these photos

Norwich Fire showed up in the afternoon

Hoses were set up

Oh,No! It looks like the excitement of the day was just too much for this snowman.

And they are guided through the school yard

Making it’s way slowly through the building site

It has to travel quite a distance

And the hoses are set in place

This photo is courtesy of Tracey Hayes

And now we wait until it fills up

They attack from two different locations

And again we wait

And the efforts of these firefighters are paying off

Looks like it is coming together nicely, but not quite soup yet. The freezing temperatures that are coming tomorrow will make all the difference in the world.
Soon we will get the word that it is safe and OK to start skating, but for now we wait and let mother nature do her stuff.

And this might be the scene of the day once again, (photo taken from last year’s skating party).

It’s just another day in Norwich