Part III of the Halloween Photo essay and 2 short videos
It is winding down, in fact this is the last one as promised for 2023.
Good evening to all Norwich and Upper Valley residents and readers of my blog,
This is the Part III or should I say the grand finale. In this photo essay you will find a lot of photos of the Halloween celebration in Norwich with many stops along the way and a stop at the Norwich Fire department for some refreshments and Halloween greetings from the Fire department staff, their families and volunteers. I just received some breaking news statistics from the deputy fire chief Matt Swett. A special thank you to all who made this day possible. Pop Quiz : Can you find the videos.. You might have to scroll a little though as there are so many photos in between.
Hi Demo,
In only 2 hours we gave out:
693 hotdogs (nearly 100 more than last year!),
550 bags of potato chips,
18 gallons of lemonade,
and 1,500 pieces of candy!
It was an amazing night of fun!
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And now we have another assortment of photos with a caption for most if not all.
The force is with us!
In the pink!
Ready to hit the streets!
Caught these two in the parking lot and insisted on a photo which they of course obliged.
Princes butterfly?
A variety of costumes on hand here!
And this group seems to be enjoying the day!
A Mario brother leading the group!
Look! Is this Bob the Minion?
Have they gone bananas or what?
This skeleton seems to be a little busy keeping track of the situation. Kyle Koehler sent in this photo and the next three.
Any fruits and vegetables on hand ? … I don’t think so.
And fun had by all it looks like!
A busy place to be on a nice chilly Halloween afternoon.
Olaf enjoying a Halloween treat!
A great time for the whole family…even the dogs are in on the fun.
Santa and friends!
The three amigo flamingos! Say that three times fast.
And now for some more music that has recently become popular again.
Thanks for joining in on the fun
We have lots of good food for you!
And some music too!
Halloween fashionistas!
A friendly get together!
Elvis really has a fan base!
And they are on move also but stopped for a photo
Creepy crawlers
A quiet moment for just a moment I’m sure of that!
Making my way to the Fire department event
A new Fire chief ?- no just another fan of course
And quite the crowd I would say!
Could it be that he is a good cook? He must be because he prepared with some help of course 693 hot dogs nearly 100 more than last year.
Here are the rest of the statistics from Matt Swett.
In only 2 hours we gave out:
693 hotdogs (nearly 100 more than last year!),
550 bags of potato chips,
18 gallons of lemonade,
and 1,500 pieces of candy!
It was an amazing night of fun!
Lots of good food being provided by staff, families, and volunteers.
These two would make excellent bartenders.
It looks like they all enjoyed the meals.
The fire chief and police chief posing for this photo with some fans.
Caught in the act of of trick or treating and smiling all the while.
So happy together!
Ghostbusters, no not here as these two are buddies
And speaking of buddies, this pair beats a full house any day! Except for the fire chief as he is doing the cooking and the cooks always right!
With very close competition from the King and Queen and oh the princess too!
And some are really lucky to be all bundled up as it was a bit chilly
Balloons...and more balloons!
And Miss Lani gets some visitors as others had the opportunity to see the slide show of a Jane Goodall chimpanzee themed event.
Fran De Gasta helping Miss Lani keep up with the many visitors.
On the lookout for trick or treaters!
A nice happy couple!
Another fan of the Fire chief.
A nice assortment of soup and bread was provided by the Congregational Church for trick or treaters. These two photos are courtesy of Rev. Jonathan Hauze.
Here are a couple of photos that we took just before people started streaming in. By that point, we were too busy to take any!
Wow! What a night!! Great job. Demo!! and everyone!!
Fabulous photos, Demo!