I am providing information from the Norwich Police department and the DPW director to remind you of some utility replacement work that is scheduled for today and tomorrow. Here is the specific info. Photos are courtesy of Norwich PD and Town website and some that I took this morning.
Like This Page · September 22 ·
*** PARTIAL ROAD CLOSURE - Rt 5 / Main St, Norwich, VT***
Dates: 09/24 & 09/25/2020
Times: 08:30am - TBD
Green Mountain Power will be replacing the utility pole at the intersection of Rt 5 and Main St on September 24 and 25. This will require closure of the northbound lane. Flaggers will aid with traffic assistance however drivers are urged to use caution while traveling the roadways, and to plan for additional commute time.

Here are some more specifics regarding this project.

They are parked and standing by.

Locked, Choked and ready to go

And the preliminary work begins. There were several flaggers stationed throughout the intersection to ensure safety.

Location is to the right of this crosswalk.

Photo courtesy of Norwich town website
A message from DPW Director Larry Wiggins regarding a utility pole replacement on intersection of Main St and Route 5.
. Tracy Hall Utility Pole Replacement
From: Larry Wiggins <LWiggins@norwich.vt.us>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 12:31:58 +0000
Norwich Residents:
Green Mountain Power (GMP) will be replacing the utility pole at the intersection of Rt 5 and Main St on September 24 and 25. This will require closure of the northbound lane for the day (s).
Additional details are as follows:
1. Pole work will start after 8:30 AM
2. Pole replacement to start 9/24 and continue on 9/25..
3. GMP will use 3 flaggers. - one at the Rt 5 corner for traffic from the west, one on Rt 5 for traffic from the east and one by Dan & Whits for traffic headed east.
4. A guy will be placed on Tracy Hall lawn which will be located closer to Tracy Hall but will not affect sidewalk traffic (after installation) .
Larry A. Wiggins
Public Works Department
Norwich, VT