Photos for you from About Norwich
A small sampling of what I took and a few that were sent in.
Good morning Norwich and Upper Valley residents and readers. In an earlier story titled “ Here comes the sun” I asked for photos to be sent so that the community could enjoy. In this story you will see a small sampling of some that I took and some that have been sent. I am also doing separate stories on some photos that I receive when applicable. Stay tuned as there will be more tomorrow.

Where is this?

As I was out for my walk, I noticed some social distancing among the ladders and stopped by to measure the distance.

It appears as though it wasn’t 6 feet but who’s complaining, certainly not the ladders

And a fine job nearing completion

Guess the location - - - answer further down at the end of this set of photos

What beauty

Changes by the minute

Nice colors

Absolutely breathtaking

We are getting closer to the location of the photo

And the answer is :
The above 6 photos were taken over the past year from the back yard of 56 McKenna Road overlooking the canoe club at Dartmouth. They were sent to me courtesy of Alan A. Rozycki, M.D.Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth .

Calling all super sleuths, can you identify what this is?

Last but not least, this is a photo of how not to do a selfie, or it could be a little social distancing at the PD or some high fiving going on. Check out the designer masks.

My logo and Thanks again for your patience as I am not a writer, just a novice enjoying life.