Propane Awareness and Emergency Response training for area firefighters was a blast.
An excellent training session involving several departments.
Held recently at the Norwich Fire and Police public safety facility.

Held at the Norwich fire department on October 26, 2019
This very important training session was held on October 26 at the Norwich Fire Department facility , and I was asked to stop by and check it out. The , Hartland, and Hanover Fire departments also participated in this training. I am including the full schedule in this story so that you can see for yourself what some of the training was. I also went back to take some photos of the outdoor training after the lunch break. These photos will appear below the Agenda page. Check out some of the photos, that I took.
Location- 11 Firehouse Ln. Norwich VT. Date- October 26,2019
8:00 am-8:30 am Welcome, Introductions, Program Outline & Safety Briefing
8:30 am-9:00 am Incidents, concerns & procedures
9:00 am-9:20 am Hat’s Video – discussing who are the players and IC
9:20 am-10:15 am Basic Physical properties of propane
10:15 am-10:30 Break
10:30 am-11:00 am Non-Bulk containers, covering DOT cylinders & ASME tanks,
From 20 pds to 1000 gallon
11:00 am-12:00 pm Bulk containers, covering all form of ground transportation from
Transports, Bobtails and Rail Cars
12:00 pm-12:30 pm Lunch
1:00 pm-3:30 pm Hands on demonstrations
Underground prop’s
Bobtail Walk Around
Liquid leak on Bobtail
Rail Car Dome prop ( If Needed )
3:30 pm-4:00 pm Question’s, Comments
closing remarks

Hanover , and Hartland Fire were here also

Photo taken at the end but showing you now so you can see some of the group that attended.

One of the instructors explaining the training agenda
This training was conducted by members of the Propane Gas Association of New England, and the instructors were Byron Breda, Mark Leach and Mike Wells. Here are a few photos followed by the training agenda. There are more photos after the agenda page.

Truck set up in Parking lot for hands on demonstrations

License plate says it all "Gas Man"

Propane tank set up for training

I guess we will find out what this is

Check out all the propane lines set up for this training
Here are some photos from the outside hands on demonstrations held at 1:00 PM after the lunch break.

Above ground propane tank being shown to the class

Here the instructor shows how to stop a leak using a tennis ball

It is all in how you hold the ball and play the game! (Right?)

A makeshift way to stop the leak until the proper authority arrives on scene

This photo shows the inside of the tank

They certainly came fully equipped with all the right stuff

This is a rail way propane tank that you would see on a train

another view, photo shows how it would look on a train

Giving a demonstration on what not to do

He seems a little skeptical about getting any closer

Here Chief Alex Northern is looking inside the tank with this hand held camera type device

And the instructor shows another way to get a read

These are underground tanks that have a broken or damaged pipe that will cause a leak

The inside of one of these

Here they are referring to the photo on the right that was an actual leak situation

And now he is showing some pointers about the propane truck also known as a Bob-tail.

And it is about to get ugly

Not quite yet

Almost ready

And here comes the leak

He is showing how you can temporarily stop it using every day materials that a firefighter may have on hand

You must use the gloves so you don't get frost bite

Looks like a giant snowball

propane vapor anyone!

If you add water you may get a snow like ice substance

Group photo at the end of the day

It's" about Norwich" after all