Psst ...'Herd' the latest news? The Norwich Fair is being canceled this year
A difficult but very wise decision was made by the Norwich Lions
They don't need us at the fair this year as there’s been a major occurrence, and we won’t be called to ‘doody.’
Photo taken at a previous Lions club fair
As the public relations chair, and on behalf of the Norwich Lions club I would like to say that the Norwich Lions Club board of directors met recently and felt it would be wise to cancel the Norwich Fair this year due to the COVID - 19 pandemic. Given that the pandemic may be with us well into the summer, we cannot in good conscious even think about holding a fair this year and we want to make sure the community stays safe.
We will try to organize a community-wide event later in the year, perhaps involving other organizations in town in an effort to re kindle the kind of community spirit that Norwich is known for. Stay tuned for more info as it develops and meanwhile stay well and stay safe.
Thank You
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