Sno-mies once more with your help! (a unique one here to get you motivated)
Not sure how much snow so now is the time to be thinking about it.
Hello Norwich and the Upper Valley,
I am hoping that this story is timely as we are about to get a snow storm of some sort this weekend. I received this photo from Tammy Pratson who just could not wait for the snow to arrive and felt she and her family had to make a snow-mie. Yes it is a snomie of a different kind but one that the deer should enjoy I am sure.
Here is the email that I received:
I know you are always looking for unique pictures so thought you would enjoy this snow person. Tammy and family built on Christmas Day. They're hoping the deer will find it and have a feast.
Hope you had a great Christmas and happy New year.
So I am appealing to all my readers to do two things :
Make a snomie, anything you wish out of snow, an igloo, a fort perhaps or a snow creature etc.
Take a photo and send it to:
I will include it in my winter Snomies of Norwich and beyond story that I hope to do soon. So all you need to do is stop what your doing ( I know a simple request right.)
Make a snowmie for you and for me and my story that is
And last year ,Don McCabe’s contribution (from their cousins in Canada) for my 2023 Snowmie story. It was too cold to build the traditional snowman so warm thoughts prevailed.
Here is another one from last year to get you motivated
Please make a Snomie when we get some snow as this might be our only chance.
Thanks for reading and supporting my newsletter about Norwich.