Good morning Norwich and Upper Valley residents. I hope you all had a nice Holiday and wish you all a Happy New Year. Soon many of you will be going to Town meeting and to the polls to select the best candidate for whatever open positions that may exist. I know you will do the best job possible of finding the right person for the job.
I am asking that you take a few minutes to help the Norwich Women’s club find the right person/persons to be the next Citizen of the Year and stewards of Norwich.

You have until January 21, to submit your nomination.
Only you can nominate and send that nomination to the review committee so that the right selection can be made. I was going to do a write-up to post as I did last year and the year before, however when I saw the below posting on the Norwich Women’s club web page, I said if it ain’t broke do not try to fix it or I could have said Keep it simple stupid or (KISS for short).
Everything that one needs to know is in the poster, so I ask you to please take a few moments to read it , pour yourself a cup of coffee and sit down and write up a little something about the person that you would choose to be the Citizen of the year.
Okay, enough from me, the rest is up to you.
The poster below and photo are provided courtesy of the Norwich Women’s club web site and has all the pertinent info for you to do your part.
Thank You

Who Will Be Our Next Norwich Citizen of the Year?
It's that time again! Think about someone you know in Norwich who's made a difference. We're surrounded by fine people who do noteworthy, kind, heroic or sometimes quiet, but great, things to make Norwich or another community better. Sometimes they're well recognized. Sometimes we're just know them as the good neighbor who always helps. We're touched by their actions, large and small, but have little chance to honor them as they deserve.
Here's your chance to highlight what a difference they've made. Until January 21st, you can nominate a person to be the 2020 Norwich Citizen of the Year. She or he can be any member of the Norwich community who has made an exceptional humanitarian, educational, civic or cultural contribution to Norwich, the Upper Valley, or the world at large. Their contribution can be through their work or their community service.
How do you nominate a candidate? Tell us why this person deserves recognition. Write a few paragraphs describing what you know of the candidate's achievements and why you think he or she has made a difference. Let us know how to reach that person - use this form to make sure you've included all the information we need.
That's all! You can email your nomination to or mail it to PO Box 191, Norwich, VT 05055.
The winner will be chosen by committee (Cheryl Herrmann, Chair. Lisa Christie, Rob Gurwitt, Don McCabe, Dan DeMars, Amy Miller Eberhardt, Stephanie McCaull) and honored at our Ninth Annual Spring Gala on Saturday, March 21, 2020.
The Gala is co-sponsored by the Norwich Women's Club and Ledyard National Bank. The winner will also receive the $500 Ledyard Grant to donate to the charity of his or her choice. Proceeds from the Gala fund the Norwich Women's Club Community Projects Fund, which pays for projects and improvements across town life. Last year's grants totaled over $35,000.
The Citizen of the Year Committee