The time to buy is now and even though the cow plops fall where they may, you could be the lucky winner and experience the sweet smell of success. ( I sold the first prize winning ticket last year.)
I have included a link here from our website if you wish to learn more about the Norwich Lions Club, and have also provided some info on this years fair.
2022 Norwich Fair
The Norwich Lions Club looks forward to holding the 2022 Norwich Fair, scheduled for 11-14 August. Hours of operation will be, as follows:
Thursday: 6 to 10 pm
Friday: 5 to 10 pm
Saturday: Noon to 10 pm
Sunday: Noon to 5 pm
Proceeds from the fair are the primary source of funds for the club’s charitable giving to community organizations. Annually, we have raised and distributed to community organizations between $20,000 and $22,000. The fair features a midway with games, rides for young and old, and a variety of participatory fund-raising events including:
Silent auction (to be held on line October 7th through 17th in 2022)
Dunk tank (not held in 2022)
Pie baking (not held in 2022)
Barbecue (not held in 2022)
If you wish to participate in this year’s contest you are invited to contact Demo at or to go on line and participate through 32Auctions. (Click here to participate.)
If you haven’t seen it, you’ll enjoy the short video of last year’s contest! (Click here to view.)
Here are a few photos that I took while out and about Norwich promoting the event.
This sale was made at the first Women’s Club concert
He seems very confidant. Could he be one of the winners this year?
I don’t know though as they may be smiling all the way to the bank to make their winning deposit if they win. ( Meadow muffin deed was sold at the recent Women’s club concert).
Bayada office staff taking their chance on being a lucky winner
The staff at the Mascoma Savings Bank are proudly holding their deeds. They purchased a total of ten deeds hoping that the cow makes a ‘deposit.’
This person is a multitasker - painting a fence and purchasing a meadow muffin deed.
The Norwich Ledyard Team displaying their recently purchased cow plop deeds while volunteering at Willing Hands to give back to the community, while the Norwich branch is closed until August 14th. ( This photo was sent in to me as I could not attend this event.)
These smiling ladies each purchased a meadow muffin while playing Mahjong at the Norwich Inn.
As did this group also
Thank you to all who have participated in our Meadow Muffins fundraiser thus far and we look forward to seeing you all at the fair this year.