Taps played at Dan and Whits was a nice tribute, followed later by take down of the Main street flags.
Bob Totz does a nice job of it
I was told that there would be a rendition of ‘Taps’ played by Bob Totz at Dan and Whit’s at exactly 3:00 pm. I ventured out a little early to Wilder for a moment and on my way back got stuck at the traffic light as you are coming back to Norwich. I missed the rendition by about 30 seconds or so , but Bob was kind enough to play it again for me. He does such a good job of it and helps the American Legion out whenever asked to perform this., and other songs.

Preparing to play “ Taps” in honor of all veterans

Taps and a wonderful rendition of it. (I only wish I switched my camera to video mode in time.) Does anyone else have a video of this that they would like to share with the Norwich residents? Please reach out if you do.

When I returned to my car, I had to think for a moment as this Jeep was mine for over 25 years and I sold it to them 2 years ago. My car was parked right next to it. Lucky dog gets to ride in my jeep, yeah in my mind it is still mine and I joke with Maggie all the time about this. Her response is take the keys any time, and my response back is I can’t because you would never get the Jeep back. Oh well !

Kyle Koehler getting ready to take down a flag on Main Street

Ethan and Emily Pierce Meyers and Kyle pose for the About Norwich photographer, before they finish their assigned task of flag take down and put away for another special day.

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