Forty three students in the first and second grades are enrolled in the Norwich recreation soccer program. Thanks to the Norwich Rec they have been able to add a couple of soccer fields in order to accommodate these up and coming soccer players. Here’s a photo essay of the progress made and the benefits of the program to the participants.
Check out the Norwich Recreation website for all the various programs and schedule of events.
The calm before the goals
The fields were lined by Norwich Recreation director Brie Swenson to get ready for the first and second grade soccer program with a total enrollment of 43 players
Coaches give the players some bonding time so that they can feel like they are part of the team
And now a little instruction from one of the coaches
Checking on the save, and what a save it was
Players line up and practice their shooting drills
And here the coaches step out of the way while the players take a shot at the net
It’s now game on
With lots of action here and there
There is a group of would be soccer players learning the game on the second field also. It is game time here as well.
And they are on the move
Taking this game seriously as they move down the field