The Celebrate Norwich event (A photo essay)
A concert held indoors due to weather and the citizen of the year was announced and honored
Good evening Norwich and Upper Valley residents
The Celebrate Norwich event was held on June 4, 2023 and was supposed to be a concert on the green, a cookout and the Norwich Citizen of the year for 2023 was to be announced and honored. The weather however did not cooperate, so alternative plans were put into place. The cookout will be held at the next concert on the green event. The concert and citizen of the year events however did go off but not quite as planned. They were moved indoors and held at the Norwich Town Hall gymnasium.
Many Norwich children (Ella Tessone, Asher Trajman, Gideon Langhus, Jaden Stocking, Lila Bucci, and Cali Smith) played music at this event. There was also a special Norwich parents band
apPARENTly with
Caroline Gollub - vocals
Lisa Piccirillo - vocals
Dylan Mroszczyk-McDonald - vocals
Ian Gollub - sax, keys
Jonathan Dean - guitar
Spencer Bladyka - guitar
Seth Barbiero - bass
Tuck Stocking - drums
The whole line up is at
The photos of the bands that you see below were sent to me by Kata Sasvari. You can view all of them here :
I have included some of them in this story as well. I also took a few photos for this story. Enjoy the photo essay and save the date for the next concert on the green planned for on July 23. More info on the Women’s club programs/events can be found here:
A enthusiastic crowd waiting to hear the bands perform and the photos below are just some of the bands that participated in this event
And now for the presentation of awards for Bonnie Munday, the 2023 Norwich Citizen of the year.
Norwich Women’s club president Annette Brown presents Bonnie with the award
Bonnie Munday holds the plaque that will be displayed in the Norwich Town Hall listing all those who have been named citizen of the year.
As Bonnie is the citizen of the year award winner, Ledyard National bank Vice President, Nicolaas Bekker, presents Bonnie with a $ 500.00 check.
And here is a closeup photo of the presentation
Citizen of the year Bonnie Munday donates the check to the non-profit of her choice, The American Legion Post 8. Legionnaire Jeff Goodrich accepts the award for the Legion.
Jim Harlow, American Legion Post 8 commander presents Bonnie with a certificate and a bouquet of flowers.
Proud to have received the award and equally proud to donate it to the Legion, a cause near and dear to Bonnie.
Bonnie accepting and displaying her Melvin Jones Award as, Norwich Lions Past District Governor Phil Wheeler explains the Melvin Jones award to the audience. More info on the Melvin Jones award can be found
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