The Norwich fair is coming back to town on August 11-14
The meadow muffin contest will be one of the highlights once again
Preview YouTube video Norwich Lions Club Meadow Muffin Contest 2021
Here is a press release from the Norwich Lions Club
Click on the links below to learn more about this nice community event.
The Norwich Lions Club Fair is a popular annual tradition, sponsored by the Norwich Lions Club, that will occur this year 11-14 August on the Marion Cross School playgrounds after a two-year Covid hiatus. It will feature many of the activities that people have enjoyed over the years, including the midway, rides, and fireworks. See:
In the MEADOW MUFFINS CONTEST, participants “buy” one or more numbered plots of land in a fenced-in area for $20 each, for which an assigned, randomized number matching a corresponding “deed” has been assigned to each plot. See: on line through the 32 Auctions site at:, where you will find more details. When you buy a plot you will be sent your number in the contest by email, together with a “deed” to print out for your enjoyment and your records.
Demo Sofronas and Donna Wheeler are selling numbered deeds face-to-face, as well.
On August 14, up to three heifers will be brought into an enclosure with the plots laid out in a grid to determine the winner and runner-up by depositing a “meadow muffin” on the squares of two lucky prize recipients!
First Prize: Up to $1000 (10% of gross receipts) -- 1 in 500 (or better) chance of winning.
Second Prize: Up to $500 (5% of gross receipts) -- 1 in 499 (or better) chance of winning
Third Prize: The satisfaction that you contributed to a good cause! (up to 498 in 500 chances)
If you are a winner, you will be notified by email or phone. You will receive notice by email of your deed number, together with a deed that you can print and fill out, based on the order of sales on 32 Auctions. For face-to-face sales, you will receive a numbed deed.
Stephen Flanders
Norwich Lions Club