The Perfect Storm - a request for more Snowmies please
About Norwich needs to do another photo essay
Hello Norwich,
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday it was close to 40 degrees and a perfect day with even some sun at times. Today, however it is a perfect day for more winter fun and a start of a long weekend, thanks to Mother nature.
About Norwich would like to do another Snowmie story as the conditions are perfect for making things with snow. It can be a fort, snow creatures, an igloo, you decide and simply send me the photos and I will do another photo essay story for all to enjoy.
If you want to see the first Snowmie story log on to : “My newsletter about Norwich” and select Archive where you will be able to access this story and many others. Since this story some members of the Snowmie family have moved on or should I say are out and about in a liquid form as they melted away.
Send your photos to and I will post them in my story.
Let’s keep this spirit going
It can be a hello from a Snow Gnome at the seacoast
Or it can be a hello from your friends in Canada
Forts are fun too!