The Principles corner and some Norwich Recreation department updates.
Lot's of new info for you
Hello Norwich,
I am sharing some updates for you to view now that you are in from the cold or in because of the cold snowy weather that we had today. Either way enjoy!
Welcome to the Principal's Corner. My name is Shawn Gonyaw, Principal of Marion Cross School. Each week I post a message here to keep you updated on important topics that are happening at our school.
My weekly posts can also be found in the weekly Cross Words newsletter which I highly encourage you to view. I hope you find all this information helpful, informative and fun.
This latest Norwich Recreation update appeared in yesterdays Listserv post and has some pertinent info and a link for you to view.
5. Norwich Recreation Updates
From: Brie Swenson <BSwenson@norwich.vt.us>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 12:09:28 +0000
Good afternoon,
A few updates as of today:
1 - Winter Basketball - we began playing basketball with our 3rd-6th graders, and this year added Kindergarten again! Although some of those 5 and 6 year olds have quite impressive ball- handling skills, not many of them could reach an 8' basketball hoop, so we put out a call to borrow Tiny Tykes portable hoops through February.
Norwichians never cease to amaze me with their generosity. Within 15 minutes, we had several families offering to loan us their equipment - thank you, everyone! Our 5th and 6th graders will begin playing games against towns that share our COVID-19 protocols. Here is the link
https://norwichvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29890 ) in January. The 3rd and 4th grade group will be play 'away' games only until February, when we hope to reassess.
2- Ice Rink - as of this week, we officially have the 'go ahead' to ask for volunteers to maintain the rink! We need volunteers on Tuesday, December 21st at 12pm for set up, and then again for the filling of the rink (TBD). Please contact me at bswenson@norwich.vt.us to sign up.
3 - Grooming at Huntley - the snowmobile is in with our DPW mechanic for it's annual assessment. Hopefully all goes well, and we are ready for the snow. Our intrepid grooming team, led by Bob Fisken, is getting pretty excited about this season!
4 - Norwich Historical Society is hosting their 'Discover Norwich' programs again. We will partner with the Conservation Commission to discuss one of my personal *favorite* activities - foraging! Stay tuned for more info. It is guaranteed that you will see some photos of the amazing finds we have enjoyed in our town.
5 - On Tuesday, December 21st, please join the MCS PTO and Norwich Rec in hanging pine boughs on the town green fence! This will happen directly after school (3:15pm), meeting at the gazebo. The PTO has generously funded the pine boughs and will have hot cocoa on hand. We will be providing packed cookies for people to take home! Please come by, and feel free to bring an ornament or decorations to make the boughs even more festive!
Have a great weekend!