The Victory Gardens project will soon be reaping the harvest. The photos will show it is time to sow.
The beds are made and the dirt is going in and soon we will have the plants

These three are behind the St Francis Church and almost ready to go or do I mean grow?

I did not reap any harvest when I took this photo as it was still waiting on some composted dirt to be delivered. Oh well, I tried.

This photo is courtesy of Christina Weld and is taking shape ( It’s a start she says ). Speaking of starts,
The story really started here:
Melissa Scanlan shared the exciting news with me that volunteers are building and delivering the raised beds for the Victory Gardens project. It is just a small part of what is now called the Norwich knows no Bounds campaign. Send an e-mail to Dan at Dan and Whits if you would like to order one. You will find more info on this in his daily posts on the List serv.
 Cedar Davidson is the lead volunteer carpenter on this project.  The work will continue in waves over the coming weeks as more wood is delivered and more people pay into the Victory Garden fund at Dan and Whits to cover the material costs.Â
Photo credit for this story is courtesy of Patty Piotrowski and I took some as well, and one was sent by Christina Weld.

Rob and Allison McCormack arrive to assist

Materials are delivered and are separated by size and stacked

Each of these will make a bed

Rob Beckett is ready to jump right into the task

Cedar Davidson is the lead volunteer carpenter for this project

And here is a sample of his work

Making sure it is all nice and snug/level/and all that good stuff.
Now back to the the future if you will as these are being ordered throughout Norwich and possibly beyond. I will try to take some future photos and certainly will share them with you. I may need GPS coordinates to find them all (some editor humor here).
I think for now though, it was important to let you know that what started as just an idea has developed into a worthwhile volunteer project that keeps people working together and will benefit many with a bountiful harvest.

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