Good afternoon to all Norwich and the Upper Valley residents,
Recently I received some photos from Jess Brown stating that some renovations were being made on her property in preparation for some new tenants that were to arrive shortly.
Once I received these , of course I was curious and asked her to elaborate further and she did a few days later with the below short explanation and a few more photos of the new chicks/residents settling in to their new home.
Here is what Jess had to say!
Hello Demo:
Well I order them as babies and they ship to me from Ohio in 2 days. They hatched on Monday and arrived on Wed morning, I track them as if I was a kid waiting for Santa, They always arrive by The post office , and my good Postman Dennis calls me at 6:30 am to tell me they will be arriving shortly. When they arrive I carefully dip their beaks into the water and get them all settled in. I turn on the radio and sit with them and talk to them so they get to know me.
Renovations were made to prepare for the new tenants!
Even a welcome from a friendly critter! And yes there is hope for this crew
Just in time for Halloween!
Having just arrived in the neighborhood and they are simply eggsquisite
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you and keeping warm too!
Trick or Tweet or Chick or Treat. Either way is OK
Cute little chicks I would say!
Staying close together to keep warm!
And then venturing out and about!
I asked Jess what happens to the chickens as they get older and here is her response:
They live out their life here. They usually retire to shady maples, the retirement home of a lot of older gals.
Thanks to Jess for sharing these photos and info for this story with us and thanks to my readers for your continued support of my blog. Please consider being a free subscriber and why not upgrade to a paid subscription as there are several options available to you. Click on the subscribe button to view options.
Thanks so much
What a great story!!