They cut,they split,and they stacked,so that others can stay warm this winter
Bark up or Bark down?
Bark up? Bark down?
The annual wood bee was held on October 20th, and it was a very productive day with over 30 volunteers on hand to cut, split and stack wood, all done simply to fill the near empty wood sheds. The wood goes to those who might be in need of it. There were deliveries made on that day to several families that were out of wood. Check out the photo essay below:
I asked David Hubbard, coordinator of this event to give me some final details: here is his reply:
I estimate we had at any one time two dozen people cutting, splitting, handling and stacking firewood. Probably 30 volunteers came and went.
Previous to Saturday’s event, a community service group from Hypotherm cut, split and stacked 8-9 cords. Logs were supplied and organized by the Upper Valley Land Trust (UVLT) from land recently logged in Norwich.
Yesterday (October 20) the firewood bee processed approximately 12 cords, delivering 3 cords to town residents and stacking the remainder in the sheds.
A huge assist and heart felt “thank you” goes out to all the volunteers who made this possible, with special recognition to the Stanley family who came from NY, NH and VT to lend many helping hands.
Thank you everyone.
David Hubbard
I took some photos and requested 3 from Richard Neugass who also took some.
This is how and where it starts
And this is where it is going and next is the in between
It is off to a chain saw station first
And then to one of the three splitting stations
And all three have a job to do to get it done
And this splitter station even has a conveyor to dump it into the dump truck for immediate delivery to a needy family
and a lot of back and forth
Many hands to help along the way
I counted three or four wheel barrows going every which way
And the pile is dwindling down
and just a little time for chatter in between assignments
That guy over there needs your help
I hope they were not talking about me (although I was having a problem getting my rubber gloves back on after the break.
And now that the sheds are filling up, just a little coffee break to keep the wood cutters Union happy.
Almost done
Last bin filling up nicely
What a team effort
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