Good morning Norwich,
I thought I would put together a few things to do in your spare time this weekend and beyond. I have provided information on a few events from various postings to make it easier for you. I am hearing that some of my readers and other folks are not on the listserv so this might help keep you informed. I have put them in order by date for the most part, and of course you read what you want if and when.
25. Saturday afternoon in Norwich: 1-3pm
From: Sarah Rooker <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 19:36:17 -0400
Come to Norwich Historical Society on Main Street…
Norwich nonprofits and organizations will be on the lawn to meet you and
share what they do—
Check out the Energy Committee’s cool activities and try out the Scout’s
trebuchet; register to vote, get a new library card….get a temporary tattoo
and freak out your kids.
Yard Sale—make an offer on interesting items and furniture from our
community booth at the Antiques Show.
See all the circles painted by Marion Cross students and community members
before they get hung in the new mural.
Check out the Historical Society’s new exhibit of Norwich treasures.
It’s all free and an opportunity to meet your neighbors and community
Sarah Rooker, Director
Norwich Historical Society
277 Main Street / P.O. Box 1680
Norwich, VT 05055
23. Community Resource Fair Saturday!
From: Holly Kania <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:06:03 -0400
Come learn about the Root Schoolhouse - A Community Space and other
organizations Saturday 9/21 at the Community Resource Fair!
Saturday, September 21 (rain date is September 22)
1:00 – 3:00 pm, Free
Outside on the Norwich Historical Society Lawn
277 Main Street, Norwich
Learn more:
And on Sunday you can help out the Norwich Trails folks with some hands on work at one of their trails. See below for details.
7. September 22 Trail Work
From: Norwich Trails <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 09:19:39 -0400
On Sunday September 22, come join the Norwich Trails crew from 8 until 12
as we continue the hand tools work to revitalize the Bradley Hill Trail. We
will be concentrating on stopping the erosion of soil down the trail ditch
by installing check dams, smoothing the ditch edges and slanting the
treadway. Meet at 8am at either the junction of Bradley Hill and Powers
Rds. or the junction of Norford Lake and Ladeau Rds. Because there is
almost no parking at the trail heads, we must carpool from these meeting
sites. We will get you back to your car if you have to leave before noon.
Wear sturdy shoes. Bring water, snacks, gloves. All tools will be on hand.
Call Nick Krembs at 802-649-1048 to say you are coming so we wait for you
at the carpool site (call to cancel). Please do not drive to the trail
heads in your own vehicles. We hope to see you and thanks for volunteering!
You may want to know more of what happens in town politics.
This is the perfect time to attend a Selectboard meeting as it is budget season and your input would be valuable and greatly appreciated by your fellow citizens and the board. You will also learn a lot about where your tax dollars go.
Here is the agenda info:
15. The Selectboard Agenda for September 24, 2024 has been posted
From: Heidi Classon <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 17:20:49 +0000
Heidi R. Classon
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Town Manager & DPW
Town of Norwich
P.O. Box 376
Norwich, VT 05055
802-649-1419 x102
And here is the select board packet for this meeting which contains all the good stuff
14. The Select board Meeting Packet for September 25, 2024 has been posted
From: Heidi Classon <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 17:13:07 +0000
Heidi R. Classon
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Town Manager & DPW
Town of Norwich
P.O. Box 376
Norwich, VT 05055
802-649-1419 x102
And if you are looking for some nice seasonal foliage cards, check out this posting from Emily Myers.
9. Local Foliage Season Cards - available at D&Ws
From: Emily Myers <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:59:07 -0400
Fall is here and you can select local and Meeting House Farm foliage season
cards at Dan & Whit's (located in front of the office).
You can also find farm and local cards at my website:
I am happy to drop off your order to your home if you live here in Norwich.
Thanks so much and thanks for supporting local small businesses!
Emily Myers
128 Union Village Rd
And of course if you need to know what is happening at the Marion Cross School, I have included their weekly newsletter. Lots to read and some nice links also.
Important Dates
Thursday, October 3 - 7:00pm First PTO meeting, MCS Fire pit, weather permitting
Tuesday, October 8 - Coffee Talk - MCS Multi, 8:15 am
Wednesday, October 9 - Walk/Bike to School Day ***Please note the NEW date- this was previously 10/2**
Friday, October 11 - Teacher In-Service - No School for Students
Monday, October 14 - Holiday, School Closed
Friday, October 25 - Conferences - No School for Students
Monday, November 11 - Holiday, School Closed
Thursday, November 14 - 5:30 - 6:30 - Math Night
Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29 - Holiday, School Closed
Wednesday, December 11- 5:00 - 6:00 - K-2 Holiday Concert
Thursday, December 12 - 6:00 - 7:00 - Grade 3-6 Holiday Concert
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
MCS is a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. Our belief is that students will follow expectations if they are clear, consistently enforced, and positively reinforced. In our school, we work to emphasize the positives and appreciate children for doing what is expected.
Also important, is giving students a voice in the expectations that we ask them to follow. We all know that people who are invested in and understand a system will be more likely to follow expectations. This week we held our first Students Summit to agree upon expectations for our common areas - hallways, bathrooms, performances, lunch room, and playground. In our opinion, it was a huge success!
Over the past two weeks, individual classes brainstormed ideas for expectations in the above mentioned areas. Grade levels then got together to consolidate and discuss their ideas into one grade level list. Tuesday a group of adults met with 15 students, representing grades K-6 during our Common Areas Student Summit. During this time students discussed the hefty list of proposed expectations, combined like ideas, and created our expectations.
Our next step will be to share these expectations at an all school REP, teach them at the classroom level, and then reinforce and appreciate each other for following what is expected. I was impressed with the small group that I worked with to discuss cafeteria expectations. They were considerate of what would make people feel safe, respected, cared for, and allow all to be respectful. We truly have amazing students at MCS!
Have a lovely weekend,
Student Services Update
One of the tasks we have school-wide is to use data from last spring and the beginning of this year to inform our Universal (Tier 1) instruction in math and ELA. For example, we may find that a particular grade level needs more instruction in geometry standards. We collect this data from i-Ready, Dibels, Fundations, and Illustrative Math.
We also use the data to identify certain students who may have gaps and need more instruction to become proficient in a particular skill. This support is called Targeted (Tier 2) instruction. An example of this would be a reading interventionist providing small group support with decoding.
This year, the Vermont Agency of Education is requiring that all public schools share screening data to families. We are giving the DIBELS assessment to comply with this law. Historically, we’ve used this assessment for all students K-2. Going forward, we will also include Grade 3. We plan to share the results with all families and also include information on our math screenings as well.
This information should be coming out around mid-October.
School News and Information
Each fall, first graders raise Monarch butterflies. Engagement is high as they build their observation skills. What do you notice? What do you wonder? Could it be?
Last week our library transformed into a time machine! We discussed how the library offers books set in the distant past all the way to the future. Throughout the year, students will visit different time periods through read-alouds, exploring both fiction and nonfiction books that help us better understand the past and think creatively about the future.
Last call for Summer Reading Bingo Cards. While the summer is quickly fading into a warm memory, there is still time to return your summer reading bingo cards. Return completed cards to the MCS library by September 30 for a chance to win a fabulous prize.
Interested in assisting in your kiddo’s classroom? How to become an approved volunteer below!
We encourage all families to volunteer in whatever capacity they can within our school district. In an effort to maintain the safest environment possible, all volunteers must go through a vetting process before working with our students - outlined below.
If you think you would like to be a volunteer at some point in the school year, we encourage you to begin the vetting process now.
Start by filling out this form.
Once completed, your information will be reviewed by administration.
After review, Teal Parker will reach out to schedule your fingerprinting/background check appointment.
**For those of you who have volunteered in the past and have completed your background check/fingerprinting, please note that a new background check is required every two years. If you are unsure of your status, please reach out to our Coordinator of Volunteers, Teal Parker ( for assistance.
If you would like to know more about current volunteer opportunities within the district, please fill out this form as well.
5th and 6th graders have been combining environmental science, art, and community service to paint circles for the new mural that will soon be installed at Dan & Whit's in honor of 50 years of conservation in Norwich. On Saturday the circles will be hanging on the Norwich Historical Society fence for all to view up close during the Community Resource Fair from 1 - 3pm. Come on down to find your child's circle and also explore the many nonprofits and organizations in Norwich who offer such incredible services and opportunities to the community.
PTO Bulletin Board
The PTO Membership Drive continues…
Please take 5 minutes to update your information and send in your dues! Thank you!
Returning families, log into Membership toolkit to update your family information--be sure to change your child's homeroom teacher-- and to send in your dues!
New Families, Directions for joining the directory The PTO uses the directory for ALL email communications. If you become a member, you will have access to the online and/or print directory to help you get in touch with other families.
It is $40 for both online and print, or $30 for just online or just print, paid by cash or check payable to Norwich School District. Please include your child's name, and what directory access you'd like (print only, online only, or both). Drop off payments in the MCS Main Office or send your payment in with your student - OR- the PTO will be at the Norwich Community Resource Fair on Saturday 9/21 from 1-3 pm. You can drop off payment then. Hope to see you there!
We want to be clear that the school can’t share your e-mail with usdue to privacy laws, so you must OPT-IN to get PTO e-mails.
How do you opt-in? You sign up for the directory! You can choose your privacy settings via the directory (you can choose not to share your information and not pay membership dues, and just get the PTO e-mails, for example).
Our primary method of communication is through email, so please sign up!
Volunteer Opportunities
The PTO runs on volunteer energy!
We are still looking for help in a few specific areas this year:
Sign up to to be a Class Rep - A representative from each class serves as an ongoing communication liaison between the classroom teacher, PTO, and class parents. Minimum time commitment but huge impact!
Website - Our website is outdated and a bit ugly. Help us please!
Directory Back end creation of the school directory- great for someone tech savvy/graphic design
Lost and Found - Sort, organize, launder, and donate items when our Lost and Found bin overflows a few times a year
Sunshine Committee - Spread joy and celebrate our great MCS staff by organizing monthly staff birthday celebrations, retirement gifts, and concert flowers.
Bingo Night - Kids LOVE this event. Request donations from PTO families, organize caller and supplies.
If any of these sound like areas where you could help us, please, reach out!
Thank you MCS community
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont
Thanks for checking these postings out and for continuing to support “About Norwich.”