Timely and helpful info regarding the solar eclipse from Dartmouth Health in this weeks MCS newsletter.
And some key dates and activities planned for the coming weeks
Hello Norwich,
I found some good information in this weeks Marion Cross Newsletter that could guide you if you are planning on viewing the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8.
And of course there is the weeks events and articles that you may find interesting.
Friday, April 5, 2024
Important Dates
Monday, April 8 - Friday, April 12 - April Vacation, No School
Wednesday, April 24 - Coffee Talk 8:15-9:00 (playground and Septic updates)
Monday, May 6 - Teacher In-Service - No School
Monday, May 6 - Pre-K AND Kindergarten Orientation, time TBA
Thursday, May 23 - Mayfest, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday, June 12 - Field Day 9:45pm- 1:45pm
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
What an interesting week of weather…all the seasons wrapped up in a few days. Tuesday after school I was examining the bees in my apiary with a t-shirt; today I was wondering if I should put the bucket on my tractor and plow our driveway. Weather aside, I would like to wish each of you a wonderful week of vacation. In talking with kids, it seems like there are many exciting plans for how to spend the vacation days.
On the Monday of vacation, hopefully, you will be able to take a few minutes to experience the solar eclipse. Thanks to a generous donation made available by Erika Rissi, Chief Evaluation Officer at the National Science Foundation, each MCS student and staff member left today with eclipse classes that will allow us to participate safely.
You might find this information from Dartmouth Health helpful in preparing for the eclipse. Thank you Jenny Barba for sending this our way.
If you are looking for a place to enjoy the eclipse with others this event at the Dartmouth Green may be of interest to you.
Media contact: Amy Olson | amy.d.olson@dartmouth.edu | 603-646-3274
What: Viewing of the total solar eclipse
When: Monday, April 8, 2-4 p.m.
The eclipse will begin here at 2:15 pm and will hit the 98% + peak of totality at 3:28 p.m.
Where: Dartmouth Green
On April 8, a total solar eclipse is poised to pass over New Hampshire for the first time in 65 years. Folks are abuzz at Dartmouth and in the towns north of campus that will experience the moon’s full coverage of the sun.
Hanover is just south of totality. Though local weather may be a gamble, the eclipse will begin here at 2:15 p.m., hitting a peak of more than 98% of totality at 3:28 p.m. before waning back to normal by 4:38 p.m.
The Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences will host a viewing event of the total solar eclipse on the Dartmouth Green from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The Rockefeller Center will provide eclipse glasses and the Department of Physics and Astronomy will have telescopes for people to safely view the eclipse.
Refreshments from local vendors will also be served.
The gathering is free and open to the public and co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost.
For more details, please refer to this Dartmouth News article.
…and when you are finished with your eclipse glasses, consider recycling them at the Montshire Museum.
The Montshire Museum has generously offered to collect eclipse glasses after the event on Monday until April 22. There will be a container outside their front door or inside by the front desk. The glasses will be inspected and sorted. The ones that are not damaged will be shipped to Astronomers Without Borders and will be stored for the next eclipse, wherever and whenever that is.
Reduce your carbon footprint and coordinate with your family, friends and neighbors to make one trip to the museum with many glasses.
If it's not possible for you to do the above, please remove the lenses from the cardboard frames and recycle the frames. The lenses have to go in the trash.
Happy and safe viewing!
Ham Gillett
Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District
Again, I wish each of you a wonderful week with extra time to enjoy with your amazing children. I look forward to seeing students back bright and early on April 15th.
Enjoy the week!
Student Services Update
Happy Spring Break Eve!
Having a week without the structure of school can be relaxing and it can also be a challenge.
Another challenge is the transition back from break. Did you know that all 4th, 5th and 6th graders will be taking VTCAP (the State-wide proficiency test) starting the week after break? If you are interested in seeing what this test looks like, feel free to take a practice test. All students will have a chance to take the practice test at school in order to become familiar with the testing interface, so please don’t ask them to take it. Our goal with testing is to make it as normal as possible.
Screenagers Under the Influence
Richmond Middle School will be showing the film Screenagers at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 17th. This is a free screening and open to youth (6th grade and up), parents, guardians, and the general public.
This 1-hour film delves into how the tech revolution has reshaped adolescence and its effects on substance use. The film debunks myths and depicts strategies parents and schools can use to encourage healthy decision-making, support teen mental health, set limits, and create healthy home environments.
Please use this link to access a document with more information, including how to RSVP to this event.
Have a great week,
Greg Bagnato
Counselor's Corner
Hello MCS Community,
Over the past few weeks kindergarten has finished Second Step’s Bullying Prevention Unit and has started their Child Protection Unit. Letters have been sent home to introduce you to this unit and to share with you the skills your student will be learning. Second grade will be starting the Child Protection Unit, so be on the lookout for letters coming home with your child or children. In third through fifth grades we are wrapping up the Bullying Prevention Unit and will be starting the Child Protection Unit shortly after our upcoming break. Sixth graders have been learning about managing strong emotions and finding strategies that work for them.
Have a wonderful week off next week,
Ms. Keel
School News and Information
PE News
Save the dates:
Thursday May 9th - Kids Heart Challenge Whole School Assembly
Some students have been continuously working on their jump rope skills since the beginning of February. They are preparing jump rope routines to perform at our whole school Kids Heart Challenge Assembly. If your student is interested in performing solo or with a group of friends they should let Mrs. Farwell know soon to help their routine come to life. This assembly will give us a chance to celebrate all of our efforts as a community to save lives through the American Heart Association.
Wednesday June 12 - Field Day 9:45- 1:45
Everything Sports Day will happen on the green with all MCS students! We will have many stations all around to show off all of the sportsmanship we have been practicing all year long. If you are interested in volunteering please be sure to complete our volunteer forms prior to June.
Field Day T-Shirt Design Contest
This year's field day theme is “Everything Sports Day”!
For the second year in a row our 6th grade students have had the chance to vote on which theme they enjoy the most. This growing tradition is a special way to celebrate their last field day with us at MCS.
A big thank you goes out to Archer Dental for sponsoring our field day t-shirts this year! The field day committee along with Archer Dental would like to invite our MCS artists to help us design the Everything Sports Day logo for our t-shirts! What does Everything Sports Day look like to you? All students who wish to enter the contest simply need to create a design with this theme in mind to fit on a 11 x 8.5 paper. Students are welcome to create independently or with a group of friends. All entries will be handed to Mrs. Farwell by April 5th (before April break begins).
Let the fun begin,
Melanie Farwell
PTO Bulletin Board
Upcoming PTO Dates
Saturday, April 20th: Spring Community Cleanup Day, Time TBD
Wednesday, April 24th: Coffee Talk, MCS, 8:15am
(Topic: facilities updates, including septic system and playground installation)
Thursday, May 2nd: PTO Annual Meeting, MCS Multi, 8:15am, Officer Elections
Wednesday, May 8th: Walk/Bike/Roll to School Day
Friday, May 10th: Pie Day/National Teacher Appreciation Week, MCS Multi
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont
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