Hello Norwich,
I reached out to Brie Swenson, our Norwich Recreation Director to do a story on the ice rink on the green. I had read a list serve post that had some info on the new rink that was recently installed and wondered when it would be opened for Norwich residents to use. Here is the link to the Norwich Recreation Department to check when the conditions are right for skating as the weather does change from time to time. https://norwichvt.myrec.com/info/default.aspx (More info on this is provided at end of story) Now back to my story:
She asked if I could stop by and take some photos as it was opening on the 28th and there would be some families there to skate in the morning.
I stopped by and took some photos to share with my readers, however I thought it would be nice to include the photos of the set up as well so that you could see the effort that goes into making this skating rink a nice place for families to enjoy.
I was not able to attend the setup event this year due to a work conflict, however I asked for photos and received a couple from Matt Swett and Brie Swenson. I am also including some from a story I did last year to give you a preview of the work involved.
There are many people to thank for this effort to include: The Norwich Fire department, and the DPW crew who always assist when needed. The Norwich hose team of volunteers, and the Norwich Recreation staff and volunteers from the community. I know the Recreation Department will thank those that I may have missed.
Enjoy the photos and stop on by and enjoy the rink. If you are like me you may fall a lot but still have fun.
The first group of 2021 skaters have hit the ice
This is how it all starts:
It all starts here with the right connections thanks to the Norwich Fire department
Snaking it’s way through the green to reach the destination
Being guided or should I say guarded by the sun poking through the clouds
This years heroes include Deputy Chief Matt Swett, and Firefighters Matt Rojansky and Alex Hoehn who filled the rink with 25,000 gallons of water. Firefighter Peter Orner (not in this photo) performs maintenance in below photo.
Letting it settle in is a key part of the process
Firefighter Peter Orner brushing out one of the air bubbles under the liner
And now it cures
And the first skaters of 2021 have arrived and are having a great time
Hey! wait for me
A great time had by all
Another view
Brie Swenson and Adam Moore and a photo opportunity
Facing off and getting ready to Skate?
Practicing all the right moves
And now putting on the gloves sort of speak, or getting serious about skating
And Adam came back later to skate for a bit
And the ice seems nice and smooth
Here is the listserve information:
I have included some info from Brie Swensons list Serve post of Monday, December 27 2021 that is relative to the skating rink
9. Rink, Huntley Meadows and Updates
From: Brie Swenson <BSwenson@norwich.vt.us>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 15:15:50 +0000
1 - The rink is officially open!  The new Hosers were trained last night, spending 3 hours (!) scraping down the rink and setting us up for some great skating.  This year, please watch our web page for closures.  https://norwichvt.myrec.com/info/default.aspx  The rink will be closed whenever the temperatures are above freezing for more than 2 days, and in some cases of inclement affecting the quality of the ice.  Ice skates can be rented from Dan & Whits.  We have several pairs at Tracy Hall as well, if you are looking for a season-long rental.  (Email bswenson@norwich.vt.us and we can see if we have your size).
I stopped by this evening to find the ice rink is sleeping and cordoned off as conditions need to improve so that all can enjoy.
Here is the link again to the Norwich Recreation Department to check when the conditions are right for skating as the weather does change from time to time. https://norwichvt.myrec.com/info/default.aspx
Thanks for the report!