Good morning Norwich and Upper Valley readers,
I stopped by the Town Hall this morning and the preparations for another voting day in Vermont were in full swing as evidenced by these photos.
I will be posting the results in my newsletter about Norwich once they are official.
Stay tuned and enjoy your day today and everyday.
It takes a village of volunteers to make it through the day.. These are just a few to start the day. There will be many more shifts before the day is out.
Editors note: Notice the I voted stickers on the wall that were created by 2nd-6th graders at the Marion Cross school under the direction of school librarian Jillian Van Ells.
And the Town Hall is set up and ready to go thanks to the efforts of Town employee Ben Trussell. I know that he has had some help also. Editors note: I just heard that he has been doing this for 30 years.
Everything carefully and neatly arranged for the best result
And to allow for privacy while voting
And the first voter has arrived to vote
I was heading over to take a photo of the ballot box machine and noticed one of our selectboard members, Priscilla Vincent.
And last but not least your vote will be counted
Thanks for reading and supporting my newsletter about Norwich
Thank you, volunteers! It is a privilege to be able to vote!