Two items of interest for you to review (In case you missed them).
A new MCS newsletter and a Press Release from the American Legion
American Legion Post #8 PRESS RELEASE
April 2022
(Lyman F. Pell, American Legion Post #8)
With the generous support and assistance of the Town of Norwich and Upper Valley residents and organizations, Lyman F. Pell American Legion Post #8 Norwich Vermont paid tribute to 75 Norwich Residents with uniformed military service since 1975 by inscribing their names on the Norwich Honor Roll Monument which was dedicated on November 12, 2018.
Those who meet the following criteria and submit a completed application may be eligible to have their names inscribed on the Town of Norwich Honor Roll Monument during a future Veterans Day (November 11th) Ceremony at Norwich’s Tracy Hall.
Eligibility criteria:
Currently serving on Active Duty or Inactive Duty in any component of the U.S.military [National Guard (Army or Air) or Military Reserve (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp or Coast Guard)] or
Entered U.S. military service from Norwich, returned to Norwich following military service or retired from military service while a Norwich resident or
Relocated to Norwich after completing uniformed service and been an upstanding resident of the Town of Norwich for twenty or more consecutive years
Received an honorable discharge from any of the following components of the military: the US Army, US Army Reserve (USAR), Army National Guard (ARNG); US Navy, US Naval Reserve (USNR); US Marine Corps, USMC Reserve (USMCR); US Air Force, USAF Reserve (USAFR), Air National Guard (ANG); US Coast Guard; USCG Reserve (USCGR) and the US Space Force.
Willing and able to provide, for Post #8 records, a copy of the DD-214 -- Department of Defense Discharge Document [with the Service Number (SN) redacted if it is the same as the applicant’s Social Security Number]
Willing to certify, to best of his/her knowledge, that the name of the applicant is not listed on any other veterans’/military monument in another town or state and that the information provided on the Application is complete and accurate
If you are a Norwich resident with uniformed military service and believe you meet the above criteria (or if you know of a family member, friend or acquaintance from Norwich who might qualify), Post #8 urges you to contact us and/or complete and submit a NORWICH VETERANS’ MONUMENTS NAME APPLICATION (2022).
Norwich Veterans’ Monuments Committee
c/o Demo Sofronas
PO Box 405
Norwich, VT 05055-0405
Legionnaire Demo Sofronas is the Veterans Monuments Committee’s Point of Contact to respond to questions (or to request a NORWICH VETERANS’ MONUMENTS NAME APPLICATION (2022). Demo can be reached via email at: and/or by telephone (c): 802-829-9133 (please leave a voicemail message).
And now the updated MCS newsletter and website
Welcome to Marion Cross School
Learning doesn't commence at the beginning of a school year, nor does it culminate at the year's conclusion. Learning is continual, and it's great to see the adaptations that teachers and students make during different seasons of the year to underscore the idea that all times are learning opportunities, and those times are precious.
Click this link to review: