Good evening Norwich,
Yes it has been a bit of a rainy day so golf is out of the question and inside stuff is in. After getting caught up with some daily chores and taking a little R and R, I thought it would be nice to announce a couple of new events that will be happening this week here in Norwich.
The first will be held at The Norwich Bookstore this Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm.
Hi Everyone, Here is an opportunity for you to hear more about a new book called In Other Words, Leadership.
Image/photo courtesy of Norwich Bookstore
If you are around on Wednesday please consider dropping by the Norwich Bookstore at 7p.m to hear Shannon discuss her new book In Other Words, Leadership. It is an uplifting story about living through the pandemic.
Click link below for more info.
Rob Johnson sent the above notification of the event and has added that he went to High School with Shannon and also helped organize the talk and he hopes to see many of you there.
Norwich Public Library
One library, many stories. What's yours?
This announcement was sent in to me by the Community Engagement Coordinator of the Norwich Public Library.
And this event/program encourages participants to get outside, and learn about trees this fall. See details below: Starts on Saturday 9/23/2023 and continues thru Saturday 11/04/2023.
Hi Demo,
Hope you're well! I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting in person yet but I'm Erin, the community engagement coordinator here at Norwich Public Library (Lisa and Lucinda say hello!). I wanted to send an upcoming library program/event series your way in case it is of interest for About Norwich.
We are launching a "Big Tree Quest", running from next Saturday 9/23 through Saturday 11/4, encouraging participants to get outside, learn about trees, and submit entries to win prizes. A program overview and all the info can be found on our website:
We're holding launch and finale events, as well as guided walks during the program (one with members of the Norwich Conservation Commission, and one with the Windsor/Orange County Forester AJ Follensbee), plus a couple extra fun learning events and of course a tree-focused books display here at the library.
The launch event will be next Saturday from 10-11:30 AM, outdoors at the Milt Frye Nature area behind the town green (we'll have signs but are directing people to drive in and park up Girard Way between St. Barnabas and the green - Google Maps pin here). All ages are welcome from kids to adults!
Thanks for considering, and thanks for all you do with About Norwich!
Erin McNulty
Erin McNulty (She/Her)
Community Engagement Coordinator
Norwich Public Library |
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And here is the listserv posting that provides additional info on this program
NPL's Big Tree Quest Launch: This Sat. 9/23 at the Milton Frye nature area!
From: Norwich Public Library <>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 13:00:00 -0400
Join us as we launch Norwich Public Library's first ever Big Tree Quest!
Saturday, September 23rd | 10-11:30 AM
@ The Milton Frye Nature Area* (From Main Street, take the drive in between
St. Barnabas Church and the town green all the way back to park and walk in
[Link] - look for our signs!*) - in
the case of inclement weather, the event will be in the NPL community room
Learn all about the program, pick up your quest materials, enjoy
refreshments and crafts, and get all the inside information on finding and
measuring trees from local tree experts and conservation organizations!
Thank you to our program partners at: Orange/Windsor County Forester,
Marion Cross School LEEEP Program, Hanover High School, Norwich
Conservation Commission, and Upper Valley Trails Alliance.
Launch: Sat 9/23, 10-11:30 AM
Submissions Deadline: Sun 10/22, 11:59 PM
Finale Event: Sat 11/4, 10-11:30 AM
Program Overview: Big Tree Quest is a new fall program at NPL that invites
participants of all ages to get outside, discover trees, and submit to win
awards! Visit
[Link] for full contest guidelines,
resources around local hikes, and tree measuring tips (*based on
circumference). The online submission form will go live the day of the
launch event. Awards will be given for Biggest Overall Tree, Most Types of
Trees Documented, Most Creative Artwork, and honorary awards for the
Biggest Tree per Species.
-The NPL Staff