Here is some news you may be able to use especially if you are traveling in that direction. Be safe

Norwich VT Police Department
NOTICE: UPCOMING ROAD CLOSURE - River Rd: 06/22 - 06/26
VTRANS is reconstructing the rail-highway crossings on River Road in Norwich. This project will require a 5-day road closure in order for the new crossing work to be performed. The road closure is planned to take place from June 22, 2020 to June 26, 2020. Detour routes and appropriate signage will be put in place during the closure period and message boards will be displayed at least 1-week prior to alert motorists. Please plan your route accordingly.

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Launched 5 years ago
My stories are about people and events in Norwich and sometimes out and about the Upper Valley, The stories are meant to inspire and bring the community together. I will do my best to write positive stories and offer you some informative topics also.