Thought you might want to know even though you may not have children in school.
Just some good info to keep all up to date
This is an important update for our management of Covid-19 at Marion Cross School.
As you know, currently our PreK, 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th grade are receiving their instruction via remote learning.
We have worked with the Agency of Education to reschedule the PCR testing for tomorrow Tuesday, November 16th. We understand that this adjustment may cause some families a hardship, but we believe getting back to school is important.
Remote classes will switch this week’s Thursday schedule for tomorrow’s schedule in order to accommodate this new testing day.
Students in grades PreK, 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th grades who are interested can participate in the drive thru testing. To make this as efficient and effective as possible, please come at the designated times and follow the instructions of MCS staff that will be there to meet you.
PreK and 1st - 7:45-8:15
3rd and 4th grades - 8:15-8:40
6th grade - 8:40-9:00
If you child will be at school tomorrow, we will do in-school testing as normal.
If you would like to participate, you must complete the online consent form. All those who have previously signed up do not need to do so again.
We expect to start getting back results on Wednesday evening, but we will not get all of our results until Thursday afternoon. Thus, if your child receives a negative test and is symptom free, the first day back will be Friday, November 19th. Please know that we receive the test results, no need to send them to school staff. Please plan on remote learning to continue through Thursday Nov. 18th.