Veterans Day Ceremony 11/11/2021 includes video
A day to honor, remember and respect our veterans.
Hello Norwich,
I thought it would be nice to share with the community a special Veterans Day Ceremony that was held at the Tracy Hall monuments on November 11, 2021 at 12:00 noon. On behalf of the American Legion, I wish to thank the following for taking the time to participate and making this event a success.
Veterans from American Legion Post # 8; Norwich Fire department; Scouts Troop 253; Marion Cross school students; Robert Totz, bugler; Dmitriy Kim, videographer; VT State Representatives, Tim Briglin and James Masland; Norwich Town Clerk, Bonnie Munday; and St. Barnabas Priest-in-Partnership, Jennie Anderson, and all those who attended. I hope I did not leave anyone out.
Photos for this story/photo essay were courtesy of Demo Sofronas, Dmitriy Kim and Linda Cook, and the video covers it all.
Take a little time if you will to watch the video as it is impressive and nicely done.
Video was taken by Dmitriy Kim and the link can be found here:
Once you click on the link press the blue download button and it will load. You will have to wait just a little bit due to the size, about a minute.
Commander Jim Harlow saluting and paying tribute to all veterans.
Commander Jim Harlow getting ready to start the ceremony
Commander Jim Harlow announcing the agenda.
Scout Troop 253 and Marion Cross students awaiting the word to recite the pledge of allegiance.
Town clerk Bonnie Munday unveiling the new names on the monument, as videographer Dmitry Kim records the event.
Ethan Meyers pointing to his name while son Jack looks on and on the other side of the monument is Zoe pointing to Mom’s name Emily Myers. We are proud of them both for their service.
Jay, Kate , Emily and Ethan all proud to serve their country
The Norwich Fire department was present for the ceremony and looking sharp as usual. This photo provided by Dmitry Kim
Another view
Dmitriy Kim taking an up close snapshot of the new monument
The monument with the new names after the unveiling
If you are a veteran and would like to join our post please reach out to any Norwich veteran that you may know or contact and I will reach out to you with membership info.
It is all about Norwich after all.