Veterans serving their community receive certificates of continuous member status
American Legion members doing what they do best...Serving their country and community
Good afternoon Norwich and Upper Valley residents and readers,
This photo essay is of American Legion members who recently received certificates in honor of their years of service. I also have included a couple of photos of our commander who pitched in to help put the flags out in celebration of our recent July 4 independence day holiday. Yes, you could say that we had to call up the National Guard and our very own Command Sergeant Major Jeff Goodrich answered the call to assist duty roster. That is what service is all about.
Editors note: Emily Myers and family had prior family commitments so members jumped in to assist.
If you are a local veteran and would like to join our American Legion Post why not visit with us at one of our meetings to see what we are all about.
We meet at the American Legion post on Beaver Meadow Road in Norwich on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 PM.
Working to get it done right
And even had a moment to smile for the photographer and assistant
Photos for this story are courtesy of Gary De Gasta and Demo Sofronas
Demosthenes Sofronas receiving his 30 year continuous member certificate at a recent meeting
Robert Armstrong and Emily Myers receiving their respective continuous member certificates.