Good morning Norwich and Upper valley residents and readers. I have received several e-mails and photos for my Victory gardens photo essay and thought it would be nice to share them with you. I am told that there will be several more coming in, and that will be another story for another time. I hope you take a moment to enjoy these.
Well, I hope those wells are full of water as it has been pretty dry for the past week or so. You would not be able to tell from these photos though, as these plants seem to be thriving in spite of the dry spell. Rain is on the way they say.
Here are the e-mails, notes and photos:
Hi Demo, A few photos of my garden, in our front yard, at 6 Jones Circle. Best regards, Peter

Here are some photos of my new garden beds I planted with the help of Victory Gardens.
Starter plants & flowers from Honey Fields.
This garden is new this year. Cleared plot with pickax in April. Built deer fence in May & I
planted in early June. Things are growing nicely now. It has been a marvelous way to feel productive during the lockdown with COVID-19 &
the stay at home ruling.
Look forward to your article.
Kitti Ryan
Norwich, VT

Hi Demo
Here is a Victory Garden update in case you do articles about them now and then.
The plants are Hubbard Squash. I expect the squash vines to spill over the garden bed at some point. The plants are just about to put out their flowers.
Bill and I have been watering the bed about three times per week because of the drought conditions. The bed gets partial shade which helps it conserve water.
There is certainly a lot of sunshine for the plants and as long as we keep up with the watering I think they will be ok.
Any squash that develop will go to Willing Hands.
Mary Layton

This photo came in from Judy Pond
Amy & Mya Lems of 171 route 5 north sent in these