What comes first - the chickens or the eggs?
We all know the answer but read on to find out more
There are some new “girls” on the block according to Jessica who sent these photos and info on her chickens who are about to lay some eggs in time for Easter. She calls them the Easter egg layers. These eggs will be blue or green and they will be coming to a farm stand near you soon. Their Christmas tree is buried but the lights still come on at night.
Here are her “Girls”
Strutting their stuff so to speak
This one is just unwinding a bit
The Christmas tree is covered with snow but the lights still shine bright at night.
Coop Cleaning day and the chickens or “Girls’ as Jessica calls them are not happy that they had be locked out for 20 minutes while she cleaned the coop. A couple of them protested and laid their eggs outside. They were however all happy to get back inside and to a nice clean home once again.
They are not protesting yet but are losing their patience and appear to be bewildered
They are starting to move around a little, still seem unhappy though
And it looks like a couple of them protested and laid their eggs outside
They just got the green light to head back inside
And seem to be settling in to a nice clean coop once again
Jess says this one is the new “girl’ on board who will start laying her eggs in May
And they seem pretty proud of themselves
Keeping a close watch on their eggs
And showing off the pretty colors
There is an old saying that says “ what comes first the chickens or the eggs”
I think this story gives you the answers
So when you get a chance get over to the Cross Roads farm stand in Norwich for some fresh eggs.