What's going on here? Many things perhaps?
In just a little corner of our world

I thought I would share this story that I wrote a few months back as it is a very fitting time. It is New Years eve and we are having a snowstorm. Winter is here for sure but in my mind through this story Spring is around the corner.

Check out the two deer making their way back into the woods after being startled by something

Pretty and snowny or just pretty snowy
Just another day in a little corner of the world (Hopson Rd) in Norwich Vermont
I thought I would share this photo essay with my readers. All of these photos came from a quiet little front and backyard on Hopson Road in Norwich Vermont. Some were taken by me and some were provided by Nancy Lesourd. Enjoy the view and see if you can make heads or tales of all the happenings here.

There is something there for sure

I will not give up

A nice color arrangement here

What is that?

A better view reveals a bridge

But where does it go?

Why of course , it is a bridge to nowhere

Top of the morning to you too!

A neat little backyard area

All the flowers are tucked into bed. Sleep tight

A nice winter setting

Spring has sprung?


A colder season I would think

What's for lunch

I will take what fell to the ground , Thank you

I am watching you

I will just sit right here and wait till you get back

It would be hard to play leap frog with this guy

A nice view from here

Some nice flowers

Where does this path end ?

Something is down that path

Why it is Buster coming back from the newly discovered woodchuck holeÂ