If we don’t have it you don’t need it they say, and recently US postage stamps were sold at Dan and Whit’s. Yesterday morning however has to be a first in Norwich and maybe even in the nation. I will let you see for yourself.
I wonder if this will be a seasonal thing only, (a little Demo humor here) or will the parking spaces be taken out to make room for the barber chairs and all the items that go with running a hair salon.
Here is the rest of the story:
If we don't have it you don't need it- you know our motto, and you can get
just about EVERYTHING at Dan & Whit's. This COVID19 has certainly changed
things- one thing many of us missed was haircuts.
The best we could come up with was to hire Diane and Laura when they had to close their shop per the Governor's orders. Well, today- we wanted to have a new first. The Governor has opened up barbershops and hair salons, so today I had Laura come over
and cut my hair on the front sidewalk.” If there is a will there is way”, and now I can say that you can even get your haircut at Dan & Whit's.
(As a bonus, someone walking by asked where they could get their haircut and
we directed them over to Diane's Casual Cuts, so they got a new customer
out of the deal).
I just added the below link to the video:
If you want to see the FB haircut clip at Dan & Whit's here you go--
Here's the link for the haircut Video:
We may be revisiting this topic soon- so stay tuned for details so that you
are on the CUTTING EDGE! Outside, public haircuts- they have so much
potential. More later.

Laura from Dianne’s Casual Cuts seen here giving Dan Fraser a haircut.
Photo was sent to me by Paula Libercent as I was not able to be there at haircut time. You see my appointment is not until next week.

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