Where were you on October 4, 2019, and where will you be on June 12, 2020 at 4:30 PM?
You will find the answers in this story
You may have been busy on October 4, 2019 and missed a local performance at the Engine Room in White River Junction, so here is an opportunity to see and hear it in the comfort of your home. As for June 12, at 4:30 pm , hopefully you will be somewhere on the parade route to see the 2020 Hanover High school send off parade.
Details for the parade are below: Enjoy the concert, and then mark your calendar.
Here is Chad Finer’s You Tube video:
30. LOCAL PERFORMANCE - GARIFUNA COLLECTIVE PART 2 - at The Engine Room in White River Junction, Vermont on October 4, 2019 - DAILY TUNES
From: Chad <chad.finer@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 18:15:43 -0400
In October of last year the Garifuna Collective performed in White River
Junction at the Engine Room. They are from Belize.
The *Garífuna* are a mixed African and indigenous people
originally from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent
who speak the Garifuna dialect of the Arawakan language .
The Garifuna, also called the Black Caribs , are the descendants from a mix
of Amerindian Arawak and Carib or Kalinapo from the Kalinago and African people.
They are also known as:
Garinagu, the plural of Garifuna. *The Garifuna Collective* is based in
There will be another post tomorrow
Chad Finer
Here is an announcement in the List Serv and there will be more info to come. This will serve as a save the date message if you will.
2020 Marauder Motorcade is supported by The Norwich Selectboard, Norwich
PD, Hanover High School, Norwich Lions Club and DUH to me- I forgot THE
NORWICH WOMEN'S CLUB! We hope all of you will join us!
A special shout out to Chief Frank for her vision and encouragement of this
community sponsored event. Spreading out over the route is important for
social distancing and impact to make 2020 Marauder Motorcade more fun for
the graduates. (Face masks are encouraged.)
Motorcade will be Fri. June 12 at 4:30 pm (lining up at Huntley Meadow at
4:00) and end at The Dresden Fields. Please note that this is open to ALL
HHS graduates. More details will be shared as they become available.
The clock is ticking and we don't have much time to pull off this off.
Please do what you can do to turn this into a reality for The Class of 2020!
Thank you,
Dan and the Friends of the Class of 2020
Email Andrea Nolon: andreanolon@mac.com with additional questions

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