Will you be at the Norwitchy woods event? If so, I have a favor to ask
I need your photos to share
Good evening Norwich,
I have another commitment and will not be able to take photos of the Norwitchy Woods event which is being held from 2:00 - 4:00 pm tomorrow. I was hoping that several participants/parents can take some photos and send them to me at:
I am looking for photos of all the businesses tables that are participating and of course of all the trick or treaters that are passing through. Any and all will be greatly appreciated.
I will then upload them into a story for all to enjoy and will assign the proper photo credit for those that send them.
“Eye” will really appreciate if you can do this for me.
Thanking you in advance
Demo Sofronas for About Norwich
Earlier today I had the pleasure of covering the pumpkin carving event that was sponsored by the Norwich recreation department. It was a great event and you can read the story details below: